Know More About Theodore Roosevelt’s Personality

Know More About Theodore Roosevelt’s Personality

Theodore Roosevelt is born on the 27th of October, 1858, and is known as the 26th President of the United States from the year 1901 to 1909. Aside from being known as one of the presidents, Roosevelt is also a soldier, naturalist, leader of the Republican Party, explorer, statesman, and author. As … Read more

Why was Theodore Roosevelt so popular?

Theodore Roosevelt so popular

Theodore Roosevelt still remains as one of the most popular presidents in the United States, ranking high on people’s polls or included in expert’s picks. Meanwhile, some politicians even still compare themselves to Roosevelt, while others still refer to him as their ultimate inspiration in their speeches. That’s no surprise as “Teddy” … Read more

Theodore Roosevelt’s Impact on Presidency

Theodore Roosevelt sitting

Theodore Roosevelt is renowned for being the first modern President of the United States. The influence and stature that the office now has today began with Theodore Roosevelt’s leadership. In the second half of the 1800s, the most powerful branch of the United States government was the Congress. And even if the … Read more

Learn about Theodore Roosevelt’s Love for Nature

Theodore Roosevelt’s

“We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people ever received, and each one must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune.” – Theodore Roosevelt Even as a child, Theodore Roosevelt loved being outside. He like collecting tadpoles, sketching the … Read more

Little Known Facts About Theodore Roosevelt

Little Known Facts About Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt is known to be one of the most dynamic presidents in United States history. Mr. Roosevelt had a fascinating life, he came from a wealthy family in New York City, but it didn’t mean that he took an easy path through life. In this article, we will learn more about … Read more

What Famous Places and Things are Named after Theodore Roosevelt?

What Famous Places and Things are Named after Theodore Roosevelt?

Theodor Roosevelt is arguably one of the most famous United States presidents of all time, and his popularity is not only attributed to his prolific works and services as a politician but also his signature look, which is highlighted by the unusual pair or Pince-Nez glasses and his iconic walrus moustache. Because … Read more

Was Theodore Roosevelt A Progressive?

Theodore Roosevelt

By the late 19th century, the United States was in turmoil. Government was corrupt, poverty was rampant, and hundreds of thousands of citizens were suffering. For Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive Era policies were the desperately needed solution to cure the country’s spreading problem. During the Progressive Era (from the 1890s to 1920s) a … Read more

Was Theodore Roosevelt A President?

Theodore Roosevelt & the Spanish American War

President Theodore Roosevelt, elected to president in 1904, was the 26th president. Yet, for Theodore Roosevelt, election to the office of president was somewhat new. Because Theodore Roosevelt became president following the assassination of William McKinley in 1901, his first term in office was something he wasn’t expecting. However, Teddy never backed … Read more

Trust Buster Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

In the annals of history, Theodore Roosevelt and Trust Busting are synonymous. Even though he had been born into a family of privilege and power, he was raised to respect hard work and ‘fair play’. During his rise in political office, he witnessed the massive, exponential growth of industry superpowers such as … Read more

Theodore Roosevelt and the Spanish American War

Theodore Roosevelt & the Spanish American War

In terms of the Spanish American War, to Theodore Roosevelt war with Spain was inevitable, when the battleship Maine mysteriously exploded in Cuba’s Havana harbor in February 1898. Having been appointed to the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1897 by President William McKinley, Teddy had the chance to put … Read more

Theodore Roosevelt Vs Woodrow Wilson

Theodore Roosevelt Vs Woodrow Wilson

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are frequently mentioned together, because they ran against one another during the presidential election of 1912. Although there are many facts on Woodrow Wilson, his ties to Roosevelt are notable, especially considering how the election turned out. Although he had previously announced his ‘retirement’ from politics, following … Read more

Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, Jr. was the 26th president of the United States, and one of the most influential men in shaping the history of the country. Establishing a timeline of Theodore Roosevelt is no difficult task. From birth to death, he hardly ever held still, passionately determined to make the best use … Read more