The Wizard of Oz and the Amazing Technicolor Process

The Wizard of Oz and the Amazing Technicolor Process

Of all of the wonderful elements that made The Wizard of Oz shine, one of the most memorable is its clever use of color. While the 1939 film was not the first to be shot in color, its bright production design and saturated palette made it stand out. So why did the … Read more

From Scratch: The Amazing Sets of The Wizard of Oz

The Amazing Sets of The Wizard of Oz

Back in the day, MGM was a studio among studios, known for its expansive acreage, a multitude of soundstages, and an impressive stable of Hollywood stars, which included Clark Gable, Mickey Rooney, Jean Harlow, Spencer Tracy and, of course, Judy Garland. MGM had its own train station, park and zoo, and plenty … Read more

Happy Birthday to The Wizard of Oz!

Happy Birthday to The Wizard of Oz! – A Guest Blog Post by Jay Scarfone and William Stillman

By September 1939, The Wizard of Oz had premiered on both coasts and was playing in first-run theatres across the country. Getting to the point of debuting one of the most highly anticipated films of the year was a long and arduous process that has been recounted in many documentaries and books, … Read more

That’s a lot of Candy!

Wizard of OZ movie poster

We are thrilled to announce that Warner Bros. has broken the Guinness World Records® record for creating the Largest Candy Sculpture! The amazing work of art is based on The Wizard of Oz and was debuted in Los Angeles in honor of the film’s 75th Anniversary. Under the guidance of famed sculptors, … Read more

The Wizard of Oz Promotion Machine: MGM’s Media Promotion Tornado

The Wizard of Oz Promotion Machine: MGM’s Media Promotion Tornado

Months before The Wizard of Oz was to be released in Los Angeles, MGM began a massive promotional campaign. Having spent over $3 million creating the film, MGM instituted a well-timed, comprehensive publicity plan to assure its success. In a pre-television era, where newspapers and magazines were the major advertising and promotional … Read more

More Fan Memories of Oz

More Fan Memories of Oz

“For me, the best memory of watching the Wizard of Oz was a bit over a year and a half ago, when I was hospitalized. I hadn’t been long at Navy boot camp when I got sick – even now I don’t really know what it was I came down with, some … Read more

More Fan Memories of Oz

More Fan Memories of Oz

“As I was growing up in St. Louis, MO., the oldest of four kids every year we would gather around our TV and watch the Wizard of Oz. But, first, we prepared by popping popcorn on the stovetop and coating it with real butter and pouring big glasses of 7Up to go … Read more

New Memories from Fans of The Wizard of Oz!

The Wizard of Oz movie poster

“I loved watching this movie with my dad. He would always tell us it was his favorite movie when he was a kid. He saw it when it first came out and he would talk about how when Dorothy would open the door and go from black and white to color and … Read more

More Fan Memories of Oz

More Fan Memories of Oz

“I watched the annual broadcast of “The Wizard of Oz” with my mother since before I can remember. Being the youngest of five kids it was one of the few things just she and I did together. We watched every year, before and after cable TV. I tune in to this day … Read more

Wizard of Oz Fans Share Their Memories of Oz

Wizard of Oz Fans Share Their Memories of Oz

Back in the day, the Wizard of Oz only came on TV once a year. My sisters, mother & I waited for it to come on and we all watched it together. It was a special time for us all to be together. When my daughter was old enough to watch, she … Read more

Share Your Memories Sweepstakes Winners!

Share Your Memories Sweepstakes Winners

Thank you for submitting so many wonderful memories of viewing The Wizard of Oz for the “Share Your Memories Sweepstakes.” Entries are officially closed and winners will be notified by email. We will continue to post some of our favorite fan-submitted memories in the coming weeks, so please be sure to check … Read more