Everything You Need To Know About Gingivectomy

Did you know that approximately one in six adults are afraid of the dentist? This can make it extremely challenging to get the treatment they need and look after their oral, and overall, health.

However, there are times when you need to see a doctor and, if you are told you have a condition, it can be useful to get a good understanding before any treatment is undertaken. Gingivectomy is a great example of this.

What Is Gingivectomy?

Gum disease happens to nearly half the adults in the country. It occurs when bacteria get into the gums. This usually happens when plaque is not removed from between the teeth and around the gum line, hardening to form tartar. Bacteria in the tartar are then free to attack your gums.

As your gums are infected they will become inflamed, bleed easily, and are likely to start receding. It is important that you look for a dentist near me and get the problem tackled early. If left, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and they may even start falling out.

A gingivectomy is a procedure performed by dentists to help heal the damage caused by gum disease. It can also be used to correct gum conditions, specifically if the damaged gums are affecting the structure of your teeth.

What Happens During A Gingivectomy

It is important to note that this is an invasive surgery and can take time to fully heal. It is normally only used after gum disease has been allowed to flourish for a significant period of time. Your dentist will remove all the infected gum around a tooth or several teeth. This effectively eliminates gum disease although it will leave you with elongated teeth.

This type of surgery is usually performed with a surgical scalpel. However, in an increasing number of cases, a low-frequency laser is used to eliminate the gum cells.

Once all the diseased tissue is removed the remaining gums are attached to the teeth and left to heal. It will be treated with saline solution and a series of special rinses. It will then have a special surgical dressing put in place which needs to stay there for approximately one week. During that time you will need to swish daily with an antibacterial mouthwash.

Future Prospects

After the surgery has been confirmed to be successful you will continue looking after your teeth in the usual way, brushing twice a day and flossing at least once. The dentist will also recommend a mouthwash and you will need regular visits to the dentist to ensure everything stays clean and healthy. It is likely that you will visit the dentist three or four times per year.

However, other than preventative care, you will be able to continue life as normal and won’t suffer from bleeding, inflamed, or painful gums.

It is better to catch gum disease early, the earlier it is diagnosed the easier it is to treat. That’s why you need to visit your dentist as often as possible.