What’s Software Development All About?

Alright, let’s break this down and make it a bit more chill and easy to follow, all while keeping the key points and the style intact.

Software development is basically all about creating, designing, deploying, and maintaining software. It’s like riding a huge to-do list for computers to follow. There are three main types of software: System software (like operating systems), Programming software (tools for programmers), and Application software (apps for users to do stuff).

There’s also this thing called embedded software, which is software for machines and gadgets that aren’t exactly computers, but still need some brain power. Stuff like cars, and machines in factories. These gadgets can connect to the Internet, making up what’s called the Internet of Things (IoT).

Now, who does all this software development firm work? It’s mainly programmers, software engineers, and software developers. They each have their roles, but they kind of overlap in many ways. They all work together in various ways across different departments to make software magic happen.

Programmers write the actual code, engineers sort of apply engineering magic to solve problems with software, and developers are like the jack-of-all-trades who both write code and manage the whole software creation process.

And it’s not just these guys doing the work. Folks from other professions chip in, too. Even industries that you wouldn’t think are about software https://www.sombrainc.com/expertise/back-end, they’re in on it as well.

There’s Also Custom Software vs Commercial Software

Custom software is made for a very specific purpose or group of people. On the other hand, commercial software is made to be sold to anyone and everyone.

How Do You Actually Develop Software?

The process of developing software has a bunch of steps:

  1. Picking a way to do things (a methodology)
  2. Figuring out what exactly needs to be done (gathering requirements)
  3. Deciding on how the software should be built (choosing/building an architecture)
  4. Designing the software
  5. Building models to test out the design
  6. Actually writing the code
  7. Testing the code to make sure it works
  8. Managing any issues that come up and making sure all the versions of the software are in check
  9. Putting the software out there for people to use
  10. Helping users out if they have problems
  11. Moving any existing data to the new software if needed
  12. Managing and checking the whole project to make sure everything’s cool

This all fits into something called application lifecycle management (ALM), which is a fancy way of saying that it helps manage the whole life of a software from creation to when it’s out there in the world, being used.

Why Bother with Software Development?

Software is everywhere. It’s in your car, your washing machine, and pretty much anything you can think of. It’s super important because it adds extra value to products and helps connect them to the Internet of Things.

Key Stuff for Good Software Development

There’s a bunch of cool tech and practices that make software development better:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Helps software think like a human.
  • Cloud-native development: Building software specifically for cloud environments.
  • Cloud-based development: Using the cloud as a space to build software.
  • Blockchain: A secure way of managing transactions and data.
  • Low code: Making software development easier and accessible to more people.
  • Analytics: Using data to make better decisions.
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): Using models to help design software.
  • Mobile: Building apps for phones and other devices.

And there you have it, a somewhat lighter take on software development!