Truth and Red Wine Myths

Is red wine good or bad for you? Here are ten myths and facts that will change the way you think about red wine.

Historically, red wine is used as a medicine and as a celebratory drink. But alcohol consumption in moderation and daily has different effects on our body. Maybe that’s why there are many myths around red wine. Let’s find out the fascinating facts about red wine here on LiveTray!

1. Drinking red wine is bad for your health

This fact might surprise many, but drinking red wine in moderation is actually good for your health. Some human trials and studies show that drinking red wine has more health benefits than bad. Since red wine is packed with antioxidants, it lowers the risks of heart diseases, type-2 diabetes, and decreases mortality rate. 

The benefit of red wine mostly comes from tannin, but the large concentration of ethanol can be harmful. Therefore, drinking red wine in moderation is better than not drinking at all. So, the next time you have a party, stick to a glass or two, not the whole bottle.

2. Tannins in red wine are toxic

Besides alcohol and water, all the components of red wine is a type of polyphenol. Polyphenol is a complex mixture of over 5000 plant compounds, color, tannin, aroma, and resveratrol. Out of these compounds, tannins stand out against the rest. It contains procyanidins, which is a chemical common in dark chocolate and green tea too. This chemical is known to inhibit toxins in the blood vessels efficiently. Once the compound clears the blood vessels of toxins, it regulates blood flow and improves heart health. 

So tannins in red wine are not toxic, but they kill toxins in the blood vessels.

3. Red wine is better than white wine

This myth also has a lot to do with personal taste because more people prefer red wine over white wine. Medically, red wine is also healthier than white wine. 

This is because red wine contains more polyphenol compounds than white wine. It is said to be ten times more effective in treating breast cancer as it has a high content of phytochemicals, which inhibits cancer-causing cells. 

Moderate consumption of red wine is more beneficial for your health than white wine, but it is also more versatile. The sulfite level in red wine is lower than that of white wine, which makes it more stable and lasts longer.

So even though white wine contains almost the same amount of antioxidants, red wine has an extra benefit by cutting down cancer risks.

4. Red Grapes can turn to white wine

It’s true! Since the color of the wine comes from the skin and not the juice of the grapes, it is possible to make white wine from red grapes. The color comes from the grapes’ skin, so if you remove the skin of red grapes, it can turn into white wine. It often happens more than a lot of people know. For example, Rivero Gonzalez Blanco is a traditional white wine derived from Tempranillo grapes in Mexico.

Depending on your palate, the popularity may differ for wine lovers. So next time you pick a red wine, make sure it is from red grapes. 

5. All red wines are good for health

Not all red wines taste the same, and not all of them have the same benefits. Since there are numerous ways to brew wine and from different types of grapes, the end product is different for all. This is why there are so many different brands that vary in color, texture, and tastes.

Some wine has a higher level of condensed tannins than others, so the health benefit is more elevated. So when you are looking for health benefits from red wine, try to look for these characteristics: Dry red wine, lower alcohol level, and higher tannin. 

6. The older, the better

Although there is a common saying that old wine tastes better than young wine, it is not always true. While some wine tastes better with age, most lose natural aspects with years. This degrading includes tannin levels, which is the leading healthy ingredient. So as wine stays on the shelf longer, the tannin levels decrease, making it less valuable with age. 

Red wine also loses its color with age. It gets lighter, paler, and more translucent as the years pass, which is why wine cellars are often away from direct sunlight.

7. Red wine comes from one type of grapes.

Yes, the majority of standard wine comes from the same species of red grapes called Vitis Vinifera. Even the prestigious Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah, and Cabernet Sauvignon are some common “Vitis.” There are over 65 to 70 species of red grapes, so even though they come under the same species, they still differ in texture and tastes. They often classify by the region they are grown and the barrels used for aging. 

8. The aroma in red wine is artificial

False! When you taste wines, you usually swirl it around the glass to smell the aroma. This myth is because wine contains over a hundred different smells, which adds to the taste. It differs from the aging process and the type of grapes used. The entire aroma that you smell in the wine does not come from the fermented grapes alone, but also from the wine barrel where it aged for months and years!

All in all, red wine has an aura of sophistication and mystery that makes it so alluring. If we have missed out on any other interesting facts, share with us here on LiveTray!