Diversity in the Australian Workplace – Disabled Employee Initiatives

Australia is a very forward-thinking country and this is apparent when you take a look at their government initiatives to support disabled people by connecting them with top employers. It might surprise you to learn that there are more than 4 million Australians who are registered with the NDIS, which provides essential financial assistance.


There are more cases of autism than ever, not just in Australia, the world over, which might actually be due to more accurate diagnosis; those on the autism spectrum experience sensory overload and with professional guidance, they can acquire essential skills that help them to find the right employment. Once an autistic person registers with NDIS, there is a diverse range of services on offer from a leading healthcare provider. Healthcare professionals work together to create progress plans for their clients

AtWork Australia

This organisation is dedicated to supporting disabled people in many respects; Disability Employment Services, for example, supports autism employment by connecting applicants with suitable employers. DES can help a person identify their strengths;

Here are a few areas that autistic people might excel at;

  • A logical data-driven approach.
  • Attention to detail.
  • To be able to focus for long periods of time.
  • Excel at repetitive tasks.

Analysis work

This is one area of work that those with autism can be very good at, such as:

  • Working with sequential, linear processes.
  • Jobs with clearly defined responsibilities.
  • Work that required focus and accuracy.
  • Jobs that involve routine and structure.
  • Work that does not involve personality.

By matching an autistic applicant with positions that require their skill sets, successful outcomes are expected. Here are a few ways that you can make your loved ones safer.

Ways that DES can help an autistic applicant

The Disabled Employment Services can help an autistic job applicant in the following ways:

  • Help the applicant to understand their strengths, preferences and style of working.
  • Help with job applications, resume etc.
  • Interview technique training.
  • Help with understanding workplace culture.

It is important to assist the job applicant in gaining a deeper understanding of what the position entails, while DES also works with employers, helping them to understand autism in general.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

An Australian government initiative designed to fund services for the disabled; if you are registered with the NDIS, you can access the many care services, which includes DES. More and more Australian employers are hiring people on the autism spectrum and there is full support from the government; if you are on the autism spectrum and you are looking for employment, contact NDIS and get help from the experts.

Autism is still a mystery condition in many respects, yet certified therapists can help with assessments and training programs, making sure that you find the right position, while providing ongoing support as you progress in your career.