9 Christian Entertainment Activities for the Weekend

Christian families today face a unique challenge when it comes to weekend entertainment. They want activities that bring the family together strengthen their faith, and provide wholesome fun away from the stresses of daily life. However, finding the right balance between spiritual growth and lighthearted family time can be difficult.

According to a 2022 survey by the Barna Group, 73% of Christian parents say they are intentional about making faith part of their family weekends and vacations. But 61% also admit to struggling to find activities that meet both their faith and entertainment goals. With some creativity and intentional planning, Christian families can make the most of their weekends with activities that enrich their relationships with God and each other.

This article provides ideas to inspire spiritually-focused family fun.

1. Game Night with Spiritual Twists 

Turn game night into a chance to reinforce Bible knowledge and bring families together in fellowship. Try games like Bible trivia, memory verses challenges, or Christian versions of Pictionary, charades, and Jeopardy. Ask thoughtful questions during play, like, “How could we apply this teaching from the verse/story in our daily lives?”

You can also get creative by adapting secular games with spiritual elements. Uno becomes “Bible Uno” by replacing number cards with book names. Monopoly spaces become books of the Bible. Adding faith-focused activities to game night keeps things lighthearted and fun while nurturing spiritual growth.

2. Movie Night with Purpose

A movie night may seem like an obvious choice, but with thought, it can provide more than just entertainment. Choose films that depict Biblical stories like the life of Jesus or Moses to prompt meaningful discussions about faith. Streaming services like PureFlix offer wholesome options with Christian themes where you can watch countless shows and movies about Jesus.

Introduce the movie by reading a related Bible passage. Pause during key scenes to talk about their significance. How did the characters demonstrate faith? What lessons does the story teach? Make some popcorn to share and keep the atmosphere relaxed for an uplifting family movie night.

3. Service Project for the Community

Jesus called us to serve others with compassion. Make that call part of your weekend by planning a family service project. Look for ways you can work together to care for those in need in your community.

  • Prepare and serve meals at a homeless shelter.
  • Do yard work or repairs for elderly neighbors.
  • Donate goods and assemble care packages for a women’s shelter.

4. Nature Walk with Spiritual Insights

A nature walk lets families spend relaxing time together in God’s creation. As you explore, draw parallels between aspects of nature and Biblical truths. Here are some things you can do:

  • Talk about how the intricacy of a flower shows God’s attentiveness to details.
  • Let the interdependence of an ecosystem represent a Christian community.
  • Note how cycles like seasons illustrate spiritual renewal.
  • Take time to express gratitude for the natural world God made.
  • Look up related Bible verses and praise Him through song or prayer.

5. Scripture Scavenger Hunt

In this family activity, teams search for verses hidden around your home or church building to match clues. For example, a clue like “Jesus wept” leads to John 11:35. Give bonus points for reciting verses from memory. Hide printed verses along with candy rewards to amp up the fun!

You can also do a hybrid scavenger hunt/road rally driving to places with spiritual significance. Find a local Christian bookstore, church, homeless shelter, etc. Time spent together on the hunt engages families in faith-focused discovery and friendly competition.

6. Christian Concert Outing

Check local listings for Christian music concerts as a weekend activity option. Hearing praise music performed live provides a powerful worship experience. Mainstream Christian artists like MercyMe, Casting Crowns, Lauren Daigle, and For King and Country tour extensively.

Churches and Christian colleges also host concerts. Look for family-friendly shows appropriate for all ages to enjoy. Concerts combine quality time, worship, and entertainment in one uplifting outing. They create lasting memories and often deepen faith through music.

7. Church Ministry Participation 

Get involved as a family in ministries through your church. Volunteer together in children’s Sunday school, nursery care, youth programs, music, serving meals for the needy, or other ministries. Meet afterward to talk about the impact. How did it feel to share your gifts serving God together? What did you appreciate about the experience? Ministry participation bonds families while deepening Christian commitment. It also sets an example for children of faith in action.

8. Family Camping Retreat

Disconnect from electronics and daily stresses by camping together as a family. Study the stars at night and talk about God’s majestic creativity. Sitting around a campfire reading Bible stories and discussing insights makes a great family activity that not only strengthens your family bond but also boosts your spiritual health.

Take prayer walks through nature. Hike, fish, play outdoor games—enjoy God’s creation. You can also bring worship music to sing together. Observe Sabbath rest away from distractions and bond through spiritual conversations and experiences in the simplicity of nature. Camping provides refreshing Sabbath time to reconnect with God and family.

 9. Group Bible Study/Fellowship

Coming together with other families for Bible study, worship, and fellowship can be an enriching experience. One great idea is to host potluck dinners, allowing everyone to share the effort of preparing a meal. These gatherings can rotate between homes or even take place at the church. During these meetings, engage in scripture discussions, lift each other up in prayer, and address any specific needs. Intersperse the serious moments with fun activities and games to keep them lively.

The beauty of such gatherings is not just spiritual growth, which undoubtedly is fostered, but also the deepening of relationships between church families. Children, in particular, benefit as they witness and learn from their peers. Such fellowship doesn’t merely nurture faith; it establishes lasting bonds among believers.


With some intentional planning, Christian families can make the most of weekends through activities that engage them spiritually while providing entertainment and togetherness. Movie nights, games, service projects, nature walks, scavenger hunts, concerts, ministry work, camping, and fellowship offer fun ways to learn, grow, and live out their faith—all while deepening family relationships. The key is balancing spiritual enrichment with lighthearted connection. Creativity and tapping into church and community resources help Christian families pursue their dual goals of nurturing faith and enjoying quality time on weekends.