Vegetables You Can Regrow from Scraps

For many of us living in high-rise apartments without a yard, we cannot help feeling envious of those who have their own yard for planting fruits and vegetables. 

But you may be surprised to learn that there are several common vegetables that you can regrow without a yard? Just look at your kitchen scraps! Don’t throw them away because you will be able to enjoy a new harvest from regrowing what’s supposed to be thrown straight into the garbage.

1) Green onions and leeks

Green onions are one of the easiest and most popular vegetables to regrow. Simply cut the green onions from around an inch from the roots, and place them in a glass of water. Don’t forget to change the water regularly and just watch the green continue to grow. Just snip off as much green onion as you need and allow it to grow as long as you like.

You can also regrow leeks pretty much in the same way, although they might take a little longer to grow due to their size. Leave around two inches of leeks and put it in a bowl of water.

2) Celery and fennel

Celery is another vegetable that’s easy to regrow. Cut off the bottom of the celery and place it in a half-full glass of water or in a shallow container with warm water in the bottom. Make sure to place the celery in direct sunlight as long as possible every day. After a week, you will notice the leaves sprouting out of the base stalk and the roots growing. When this happens, transplant the celery in a pot with soil and allow it to grow to its entire length.

You can regrow fennel pretty much in the same way as celery. Simply place the bulb’s base, with the root still showing, in a dish with shallow water. Soon, you will see that the roots become more apparent, and the green shoots start to appear. When this happens, transfer it to the soil.

3) Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, bok choi, and cabbage

These leafy vegetables are also a common sight in our kitchens. Fortunately, they are also relatively easy to regrow. Aside from the stump, you can also regrow these vegetables from their leaves. Place the leaves in a bowl with some water in the bottom. Make sure to keep it in a place where it will get good sunlight. Soon, you will notice the roots appearing, along with new leaves. Then transfer it in a pot with soil.

4) Herbs such as basil, coriander, and mint

That bundle of basil, mint or coriander you’ve bought from the supermarket? After you’ve used the leaves, don’t discard the stems! Place the stems upright in a glass of water. Soon, you will see the new roots beginning to sprout. Other people would prefer to plant the stems straight in the soil, and it’s just as fine.

5) Root crops such as carrots, radishes, turnips, beets, and parsnips

Simply leave the top of the carrot, radish, turnip, etc. — with a bit of the vegetable remaining – in a shallow bowl or plate with little water, and keep them in a place where they will get enough sunlight. Then transfer them to a larger pot of good soil.

6) Peppers

Whatever type of peppers you have – from bell peppers to jalapeno peppers – all of them are easy to grow. Gather the seeds and plant them in the potting soil. Put them under direct sunlight and water occasionally when the soil feels dry. One of the good things about peppers is that they do not require a lot of care.

7) Tomatoes

Just like their pepper relatives, tomatoes can be grown from the seeds that you would probably have thrown out. Rinse the seeds and place them on a paper or table napkin to allow them to dry. Then plant the seeds in a good potting soil. Soon you will notice the seedlings sprouting out of the soil. Allow the seedlings to grow a few inches more before transferring them to a larger pot. Make sure that they get enough sunlight and water them adequately a few times each week.

8) Potatoes

Leave the potato in a dark corner, leave it, forget about it, and the shoots will just appear. You may have also noticed that the sprouts are already there even as you buy potatoes from the market or grocery.

Cut the potato in half and plant it in the soil with the “eyes” (the dented skin of the potato) facing up.

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