Understanding Kids better and the TV series that can help parents

Teenage years are a susceptible age. The teens are unaware of what’s happening and also very vulnerable in the environment they are in. They get influenced very highly by it. As a parent, there are different parenting books you can read to help to raise them better. But here are some examples of some TV shows that can help you understand them better. These great shows can also be an inspiration for kids that will help them to write my essay in the future.

Stranger things

The story involves a monster in Hawkins and a group of teens trying to fight it. The parents of the kids in the show, show some parenting that is done right. One of the parents is called Joyce. She is a single mother who is overprotective and anxious. It is all for a good reason. Hop is a father, and he is a softy on the inside. Hop’s relationship with eleven. Eleven is the child he adopted. His relationship with her heals all the trauma that she had gone. It shows that every person has their love language. We need to learn how to express our love in the right way. That way, they will hear our love.


These TV shows are about a family and how they face challenges in the relationship. The family called the Braverman is trying to raise their kids. The show shows how that despite having tough times, they still got one another’s back. Teen’s emotions are always high, and they tend to take relationships and family for granted. Both teens and parents can watch it, and together they can get to realize the value in companionship when the going gets rough.

Sex Education

Teens in high schools spend most of their time trying to fund themselves. This show tackles this issue. The central theme of the TV show is the topic of sex education among high schoolers. It also tackles the issue of respect for others and self-acceptance. As a teen’s parent, you need to know aspects of communication when talking about sex education. This show will give you some insights as a parent.

Freaks and geeks

It is no doubt one of the most famous shows for teenagers there is. It only ran for a season, but it made an impact. It has a very popular cast, and the themes are very relatable to teens and parents. While watching this show, teens can have conversations with their parents on the need to be themselves and not do things to impress people. They can talk about how people change, and also it’s very okay when the friendship between two people grows apart.

The healing powers of Dude

This show is about a boy named Noah. He suffers from a disorder, social anxiety. His anxiety gets so bad that he has to get support. He gets an emotional support animal. He has a dog named Dude. He goes with Dude to school. With this, you get a better awareness of how to be empathetic and deal with mental health issues.


This show revolves around a generation of young people that get misled by emotions. The show is exaggerated, and without care, you may interpret all kids to go through the same. But what this show reveals is what teens go through every day and how ill-equipped they are for anything.

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