The Importance of Exercise for Children

In the world of abundant video games and more targeted TV programming, it has become much more challenging to get children to seek the outdoors and any form of exercise in general. If left unmonitored, and in worst-case scenarios, the extent of a child’s daily activity may not go beyond moving from the bed to their favourite spot on the couch with snack and bathroom breaks in between.

The opposite is ideal. Exercise plays a major role in the wellbeing of a child. The more active they are, the better their health is. Moreover, parents who encourage their children to be physically active and seek modes of fitness throughout their childhood help the little ones develop discipline and healthy habits that will carry through to adulthood. Let us explore the importance of exercise for children further:

Why is exercise so important?

Building the child up, from the inside out, is key. When they start enjoying exercise early in their lives, they grow up to be healthy and maintain the habit when they are adults.

The main advantage of children’s exercise is that it is not as definitive as an exercise in adulthood. For children, regular playtime like time on the playground and normal interactions with friends outside can constitute high levels of physical activity, which gives them plenty of exercises. Other than that, three elements of the child’s physical attributes are enhanced:

  • Flexibility
  • Endurance

What are the benefits of exercise?

With more exercise, children will:

  • Develop stronger muscles and bones- stronger bones are encouraged by more activity in the child’s daily life.
  • Have lower blood pressure- As they maintain lower body fat levels through constant exercise, they are less likely to develop high blood pressure.
  • Be less prone to be moody- Exercise encourages the release of certain hormones that better improve the child’s outlook. Additionally, exercise is a suitable method of de-stressing. Your child will likely be happier the more they’re allowed to exercise
  • Have a lower risk of obesity and the development of diabetes- Obesity is a foundational condition that brings with it other ailments. Keeping active lowers the risk of becoming obese, meaning the child is healthier overall.
  • Have lower cholesterol levels.

Moreover, regular exercise will expose them to greater overall social benefits such as:

  • The development of leadership skills
  • Enhance positive behaviour
  • Brushing up on their social interactions so that they can make friends
  • Exposure to new things that may create a greater interest and focus in their later years
  • Learning skills that are new to them

Making exercise a habit

To reinforce the benefits of exercise, make it second nature to your child. To achieve this, you should attempt to:

  • Encourage outdoor activity as much as you can. Ensure that your children spend as much time outside as is reasonable.
  • Limit access to technology- for example, video games, phones, tablets, and the like. The less time they spend engrossed in front of a screen, the more likely they are to seek out more physical pursuits.
  • Enrol them in a sport or sports that interest them.
  • Be the example. Children learn a lot through observance. The more active you are, the more they will emulate you and seek out physical activities. You may even join a local Sydney gym with your children and make it a family affair.

In addition to structured physical activities, incorporating outdoor play equipment such as swing sets can further enhance a child’s overall development. For creative ideas on how to upgrade an old swing set frame, Swing Set Mall provides useful insights in their informative blog post.

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