The Evolution of Home Air Quality Improvement

Living in the 21st century, human beings are fully aware that factors such as the air we breathe or the water we drink play a significant role in the quality of our lives. After all, these environmental elements are indispensable for our survival on this beautiful planet.

Although we mostly talk about climate change, eliminating the usage of plastic, and the effects the pollution has on our air, we sometimes forget that most of our hours are spent indoors and the quality of this environment is just as important as the one outdoors. More than half of our lifetime air intake is inhaled in our homes. That’s why it should be of primary concern to make our living and working spaces as clean as possible.

As people became more aware of the health risks connected to the living conditions, they started investing and improving on them. Let’s see what steps have been taken to make the indoor air better.

What Are Indoor Air Pollutants?

The first change to the home environment happened more than a million years ago when humans brought campfire into their primitive households. This became the first indoor pollutant but over the centuries, especially in the last several decades, we have brought many new ones into the places where we live and work.

Household cleaners and disinfectant, paint, gas stoves, fireplaces, even nonstick pots, and pans can represent a possible threat to your health. For example, when you overheat this type of pot (over 500 F), they release toxic fumes which can lead to symptoms known as “Teflon flu”.

Sanitizers can also be seriously harmful, especially when they come in a spray form. These substances interact with the air you inhale and can seriously enhance the risk of asthma and other respiratory problems. Also, numerous studies have shown that houses with gas ovens have higher levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.

Advancements in Home Air Quality

As our knowledge of the causes and effects of pollution in our homes grew, we started investing in products that can reduce or eliminate the risks of contracting anything that can seriously damage our health. The impact of indoor ventilation on our bodies has been known for quite some time. Even the famous Florence Nightingale, a well-known nurse, dedicated the first chapter of her handbook for the nursing of sick people to pure air and its impact on the patient’s health.

The 20th century is when things really kicked off in the air-conditioning department. The basic parameters of what these machines need to do have stayed pretty much the same to this day. Temperature regulation, humidity control, air circulation and purification (filtration) is what’s expected of them. And with technological advancements in recent decades, we were able to create more sophisticated and affordable ways to achieve things like these.

Today, you can pick from a wide variety of air-conditioners depending on the type of space you want it to manage, the weather conditions in your region, and how much money you want to invest. Whatever you choose, from fans to central cooling systems, you will certainly improve your living conditions.

The Benefits of Air Filters and Purifiers

Modern systems are designed to make your stay in a certain room more comfortable in every way imaginable. Not only will they make the temperature more suitable for living and working but they will also make sure you are protected from all kinds of bacteria and other air contaminators.

To win the fight against the invisible enemy, contemporary units use air filters and purifiers. Although many people believe these two are the same, that’s not the case. If we would put air filters vs purifiers, we would come up with some very important differences. The biggest one is what these elements actually do to improve your indoor environment.

Filters are created to keep the unit clean inside and make it more efficient. Also, they will reduce the rate of airborne particulates like dust and pet dander being spread through the home and office spaces. On the other hand, purifiers are designed to kill bacteria, molds, and fungus which can cause allergies and different types of disease. However, they have little to no dust removal capabilities.

All things considered, we have come a long way in providing high-quality indoor air for ourselves and our families. Thanks to technological progress, we can now equip our homes with systems that will eliminate all the negative factors that can make us sick. Using both air filters and purifiers will secure a stable enclosed environment by killing all possible pathogens.

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