The Negative Side Of Theodore Roosevelt

A portrait of Theodore Roosevelt by John Singer Sargent

From what the world knew about the 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt, he is a progressive leader and conservative enthusiast that contributed a lot to the developments of the United States that the modern world aspires and enjoys today. Roosevelt is also responsible for some of the major decisions that changed the … Read more

Trust Buster Theodore Roosevelt

In the annals of history, Theodore Roosevelt and Trust Busting are synonymous. Even though he had been born into a family of privilege and power, he was raised to respect hard work and ‘fair play’. During his rise in political office, he witnessed the massive, exponential growth of industry superpowers such as … Read more

Theodore Roosevelt Timeline

Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, Jr. was the 26th president of the United States, and one of the most influential men in shaping the history of the country. Establishing a timeline of Theodore Roosevelt is no difficult task. From birth to death, he hardly ever held still, passionately determined to make the best use … Read more

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