Sleep Myths: 9 Myths You Need To Debunk

Stress, anxiety, poor lifestyle, and several other factors are taking away our night’s sleep. Many people face this problem of not being able to sleep properly at night. This unrest then leads to several health problems.

However, to resolve our problem, we start to believe everything we hear or read. Some of these facts have nothing to do with the quality of sleep. In this article, we will help you know the myths about sleep you have believed to be accurate. This information will help you rethink and change your approach to sleep.

Myths About Good Quality Sleep

Here are some popular myths about good sleep quality which you need to debunk now.

Myth 1: Alcohol Will Help You Sleep

A glass of wine before bed can help you fall asleep, but that dream is likely to be something of a recovery state. In fact, alcohol prevents your body from producing melatonin, an essential ingredient for a good night’s sleep. Drinking at night also disrupts your proper sleep cycle and interferes with dreaming. In other words, you will definitely not be able to get a good night’s sleep.

Moreover, regularly drinking with this false belief of having a good sleep can lead to addiction and mental health problems. Then you have to get dual diagnosis treatment for both issues. Only then your sleep quality will improve.

Myth 2: You Can Always Catch Up On Weekends

Sleeping well a couple of days a week doesn’t make up for your lack of sleep on weekdays. Every time you sleep little, you start to accumulate “sleep debts.” Not getting enough sleep once a week is not very scary. But not getting enough sleep all five days means that you will accumulate a lot of “debt” that you cannot payback.

So no matter how much you sleep on the weekend, the damage has been done. You need to set a schedule and try to follow it daily. It will help you go to bed on time and then falling asleep. Moreover, it will help to train the body to start feeling sleepy at the set time regularly.

Myth 3: Go To Bed Early So You Can Fall Asleep

It can actually work against you. Since your body is not used to going to bed early, you will still toss and turn for a long time until you fall asleep. Plus, the more time you spend in bed each night without sleep, the more you associate this place with being awake rather than relaxing.

Such situations also lead to headaches which further make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Therefore, do not follow this advice. It will only bring you discomfort.

Myth 4: A Cup Of Coffee In The Afternoon Can’t Hurt

Many people cannot think of surviving the day without caffeine. They start and end their day with coffee. However, such habits are spoiling their sleep span, and they do not even realize it.

Depending on your caffeine sensitivity, age, and even the season, this drink at any time of the day could potentially keep you awake at night. Try drinking it just before lunch, or even cut your morning intake from two cups to one.

Myth 5: Carbohydrates At Night Will Help You Sleep

Eating carbohydrates at night can ruin your sleep quality. It is generally undesirable to eat anything heavy a few hours before bedtime. Eating late at night not only raises your body temperature but can also lead to digestive problems that prevent you from falling asleep normally.

Moreover, such a habit of eating foods late at night can lead to obesity. You will not only ruin your night’s sleep but would also damage your health by gaining extra pounds. Therefore, you should not believe this myth and focus on your well-being.

Myth 6: Snoring Is Completely Harmless

In reality, snoring points to other problems. For most people, snoring is probably not a distraction (except for their irritated partners), but it can be the first sign of obstructive sleep apnea. It is a situation when the airway is completely or partially blocked.

In this state, your body will be awake as it realizes that you are not breathing well. This not only impairs the quality of sleep but also increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and obesity.

Myth 7: A Person Should Sleep Eight Hours

There is no hard and fast rule regarding minimum sleep hours; the need for sleep varies from person to person. Some need seven hours, while others require all nine hours. The proverbial eight hours is an average, and you don’t need to force yourself into it. If you still feel sleepy after eight hours of sleep, you should probably increase an hour in your sleep time.

Myth 8: You Will Fall Asleep Faster In A Warm Room

In fact, the opposite is true. The ideal temperature for sleeping is 12 to 23 degrees Celsius. This temperature range allows your body to cool down and begin your sleep cycle. Good air circulation, light blankets, warm hands, and feet are also essential factors for healthy sleep.

Myth 9: If You Have Insomnia, You Still Need To Lie In Bed

It depends on the situation and on the person himself. Experts have different views on this issue. But most agree that if you feel relaxed and comfortable, then stay in bed and allow your body and brain to rest. If lying awake leads to anxiety or nervousness, then get up and do some activity to distract yourself.


Blindly following these myths not only spoil your night’s sleep but also leads to other health problems. If you have believed in any of the myths mentioned above, it’s high time that you give them up. Live Healthily!


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