Seven Dinner Table Essentials For A Fancy Party

Are you hosting a family get-together with a fancy dinner in the plan? Do you know what your dining table needs?

From setting napkins to beautiful tableware, there are a handful of essentials you’ll need to have at your dinner party. And this post will teach you how to host your family and friends in style.

A dinner table is a great place for bringing friends and family together. Not to mention, you get to cook fabulous meals. But for those hosting a shindig for the first time, providing extravagant food isn’t your only job. Presentation is also crucial. So, no more adhering to your grandmother’s standards or preferring to go centerpiece-for-centerpiece with the pros. The modern art of setting the table is effortless once you realize that sophistication is critical, and it lives in the finer details.

So are you ready to host the dinner of a lifetime and have your guests talking about it for days? Whether you’re baking a succulent turkey with some sides or going all out on a 5-course meal, consider these dinner party essentials that’ll ensure a memorable evening affair. You can also purchase high-quality activity tables on this trusted site.

1. Dinnerware

A dinner without the right dinnerware is like a sea without the shore. So you want to ensure what you put on the table is both presentable and convenient for everyone.

We’re not suggesting you go off and buy something costly. Use what you already have – with a dash of creativity and some digging. We’re sure that you will find a perfect setting in there somewhere. If not, then good cookware can also come in handy, such as cast iron pots. And if you have ceramic cookware, that’s even better. It is sophisticated, you don’t have to transfer food from one dish to another, and it looks good!

When it comes to the dinner plates, set something that offers a base for the food and helps set the mood for your guests. You can even choose to mix things up by combining various complimentary cups, platters, and dishes with some motif, such as stripes or florals, for a stylish, fun table. Besides that, elaborate charger places are best for displaying sweets and assorted cheeses. Whatever you decide to use, ensure it blends well with your theme.

2. Condiments

Condiments make it easier for food to slide down the gullet, so you don’t want to miss out on these. But unfortunately, the process of serving the right condiments for the type of meal you are serving is often overlooked.

Salt and pepper are something you can’t go past and are very basic, so ensure they’re on the table. On the other hand, if you serve some roast, provide some gravy or apple/cranberry sauce on the table, even if it doesn’t satisfy your personal taste.

3. Wine glasses

What’s a dinner party without wine? Boring!

So if your guest list has many wine fans, a good dinner party essential is several wine glasses. If you’re serving two types, try doubling the number of glasses. We know this sounds like a lot of cleaning. Still, it means you will have uninterrupted time with your invitees, as they can happily switch between white and red throughout the meal.

Furthermore, if you’re planning on going full-luxurious, a clever hack is to keep some flutes for dessert wines. A good thing about these is that they’re always available in the kitchen.

4. Flatware

It can be easy to forget about flatware in the hustle of preparing the best dinner party for your family and friends. However, putting out worn-out utensils is the worst thing you can do, especially if this is your first time hosting one. You’ll leave a terrible impression, and no one would want to return to your home for a second.

Beautiful silverware adds another element of style to your overall event. Think of dressing up your flatware with a series of adornments or purchase a few vintage pieces to circle your set. Don’t forget to add flatware with vivid colors and bold designs so that your table looks charming and well-set.

5. A pitcher

No one likes a thirsty guest who interrupts every conversation for a refill. Nor a host who keeps making trips to the kitchen, bringing one glass of water at a time.

To avoid this, put a pitcher of juice or water at both ends of the table. With such an endless range of styles, from ceramic to glass to metal, you are sure to discover a match for your dinner table.

6. Final additions

Since you’re done with the essentials, it is time to add a few final touches. By that, we mean some accents that’ll express your style and make your table more memorable.

For starters, throw some floral arrangements in vases and an assortment of seasonal fruits in dishes on the sides. Besides that, add some garden herbs, seasonal candies, or seashells. Each of these additions will delight your guests. And if you want your tabletop to stand out, place some glass votives – it’ll offer warmth and create a wonderful ambiance.

7. Stay organized

For every minute you spend on organizing, you save an hour. And, of course, this applies to dinner tables as well.

Without organization, you’re more likely to host an unsavory mess rather than a tasty dinner. Here’s what you have to do: before any occasion, wipe your dinnerware clean to remove any staining and keep an eye out for cracks. It is also an excellent way to check your china and replace any chipped or cracked pieces. Next, make a list of all the decorative items and tableware you need to buy, such as flowers, napkins, centerpieces, placemats, candles, linens, etc. Take care of these beforehand, so you’re not sweating at the dinner table wondering if anything’s missing.


Hosting a memorable dinner party entails more than just cooking and dishing out good food. You must make your guests feel comfortable and easy with what you put in front of them. After all, how do you expect your guests to drink soup with a fork on the side? This article went over a few essentials to set up the perfect table. Ensure you have clean dishware, cookware, flatware, and glasses ready. Add essentials sides such as sauces and condiments. And finally, decorate the table with flowers, fruits, and candles to add the finishing touches.


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