Preparing a First Consultation with Your Criminal Defense Lawyer in Houston

If you’re facing a prison sentence or a huge fine, you might want to hire a competent criminal defense lawyer. Hiring an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer is a vital step in protecting your future. But how do you prepare for your first meeting with your lawyer? What questions do you ask them? What do you get along to make your first consultation as productive as possible? Following are some helpful tips for getting you prepared for such a meeting.

Provide Information on Your Personal and Work Background

This first consultation with your lawyer is crucial because it’s where you ascertain compatibility with the attorney. Providing detailed personal information helps your Houston criminal defense lawyer better understand your background. He’ll be able to place a finger on where you’re coming from as he examines your situation.

Note, though, that your lawyer might ask some questions different from what you expect. And even when they appear to ask questions unrelated to the case, it’s best to cooperate with them. Lawyers are adept at piecing together different details to help fight your case.

Get Vital Documents Relating to the Case

Documents to take along include papers that relate to the offense with which you were charged. For instance, neutral conversations with a minor could be erroneously designated “online solicitation of a minor.” In addition, the accused could present documents such as screenshots of the discussion alongside the indictment details.

Your Houston criminal defense lawyer knows how to fight the charge of online solicitation of a minor dismissed. Other vital documents to take along may include protection orders, bail papers, felony complaints, etc. These papers will acquaint your lawyer with your case. In supplying documents to your Houston criminal defense lawyer, the more copies you bring, the better.

Prepare a List of Witnesses

You also want to inform your lawyer that you know witnesses with helpful information for your defense. These persons can provide firsthand knowledge about the surrounding story, prove your innocence, or have supporting evidence. You may also notify them ahead of the case to get them prepared to support your defense.

What Questions Do You Ask Your Criminal Defense Attorney?

Before finally choosing a criminal defense lawyer Houston, it’s essential to ask them some crucial questions. In that manner, you’ll be able to see whether this lawyer is the right professional for you. You’d also find out about the prospective lawyer’s professional experience and qualifications. So let’s see some vital questions to decipher the right criminal defense lawyer for you.

1.  Does the Lawyer Specialize in Criminal Law?

Expectedly, lawyers who take on general legal practice are likely to lack in-depth knowledge of many things. But if your dreams and your future are at stake, you want a criminal law professional. Moreover, nothing supersedes the experience of having an attorney who’s represented in similar cases to yours.

2. How Accessible Is Your Criminal Defense Attorney?

Having to face criminal charges could be very stressful, even when you’re sure of being innocent. Remember that you’d be paying your criminal defense lawyer from your hard-earned income to represent you properly. Therefore, it’s necessary to have someone that’d be available to answer your burning questions and quickly address arising issues.

  • Does the attorney have around-the-clock live service to respond to distress calls from clients?
  • Will the lawyer provide their mobile number so you could communicate directly with them?
  • Is the lawyer going to consider your work schedule in fixing appointments?

3. How Much Is the Attorney’s Fee?

Money is a crucial part of your first consultation with your criminal defense lawyer. While you want an experienced criminal lawyer, you don’t want to break your bank while doing so. Look for a Houston criminal defense lawyer who works on fixed, affordable rates.

Our thorough criminal defense lawyers work to provide affordable and excellent service to clients at Schiffer Law Firm. We’re accessible to clients and have decades of experience dealing with criminal court cases in the State. Please schedule a consultation with Schiffer Law Firm criminal defense lawyers today and watch us fight for you.

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