Popular Social Media Platforms Used in Cheating

Over 2,400 American adults have admitted that they have cheated at least once in the past year, and one-third of those adults have created a social media or email account that their partner didn’t know existed. People now can communicate with family and friends instantly through the help of social media. But they can directly ‘connect’ with someone new through the same platforms. Modern cheating is so easy to hide, all thanks to the social media apps that anyone from the world is only one click away at all times. 

In this article, five social media cheating apps are most used by cheaters to play their dirty games. 


Viber is a 3rd party messaging application available on all devices. It is a harmless messaging app, unless, in the hands of an informed user, it can turn into a sneaky application for affairs to occur.

Secret Chats

Viber allows the user to delete a conversation automatically after a certain length of time, say 1-5 minutes, giving them the freedom to send anything to anyone with a sense of security that they can never get caught.

Hidden Chats 

Viber has a hidden chats option for which the user has to set a pin code. The secret chats appear and disappear with that key allowing the user to hide their conversations.


WhatsApp is also a messaging app that is incredibly popular by nearly all smartphone users. The benefit of this application is its use of end-to-end encryption, which means that the data is entirely secure, and no one can access it unless they have the target phone. 

The cheater can lock up the account with a pin code to keep anyone from accessing it from the phone. And you wouldn’t even know that your partner is cheating on WhatsApp.


Instagram can be easily used as an outstanding private communication channel. The app offers excellent cover as a social media platform, and the cheater can stalk and flirt with whomever they want. The new update has included a feature called ‘Vanish Mode’ where the conversations get disappeared to reduce the chances of the cheater getting caught.


Years before Instagram, Snapchat introduced its version of ‘Vanish Mode,’ but here, it works like a pro. Snapchat has the option to send self-destructing messages. These messages can also be videos, so I let you imagine why infidels have widely used them.


Tinder is arguably the most famous cheating dating app in the world. Extremely user-friendly allows the user to browse the photos uploaded by people who are geographically close to each other.

Just create a profile using Facebook login or from scratch, upload four photos, add a description and select the people you like. Each profile is presented with pictures, to which the user can decide whether to assign a sign of appreciation or skip it by simply scrolling with a finger. 

Mobile phones tend to leave a trail of communication between a cheater and a lover. Simultaneously, certain apps make it easier than ever to conceal these communications from everyone they know. It seems like these apps were developed keeping in mind how people can use them effectively to cheat. 

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