Knowing Your Rights in a Case Involving a Pedestrian Accident

When there is an accident, there are various misconceptions concerning pedestrian rights. This blog will address some of the rights and duties that seem to be in conflict between walkers and drivers, as well as how these notions actually function.

California has regulations governing who has the right of way—vehicles and pedestrians. You might wish to speak with a California pedestrian accident lawyer to learn more about your legal options after a pedestrian collision. A lawyer could assist you in pursuing the compensation you are entitled to for your severe injuries from the party at blame.

Pedestrian Right of Way Regulations

Drivers must make every effort to prevent a collision even when a pedestrian does not have the right of way because pedestrians do not always have the right of way. The following are some essential details regarding California’s pedestrian right-of-way laws:

  • A pedestrian has the right of way whether they are in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. However, they should not cross the center line into oncoming traffic. A crossroads without clearly visible pedestrian crossing lines is known as an unmarked pedestrian crossing.
  • Before crossing the street, pedestrians should check to see if the space is clear.
  • Drivers must stop for a visually impaired person using a cane and enter a crosswalk.

Additionally, pedestrians must respect traffic regulations, signage, and electronic crosswalk instructions. In other words, people should heed the electronic “Walk/Do Not Walk” signs.

How to Ascertain Liability in a Case Involving a Pedestrian?

In many cases involving pedestrian accidents, both the pedestrian and the driver were at fault. Even while one party may be much more at blame than the other, the injured party can typically receive at least some compensation for their losses, with their share of the overall responsibility deducted.

A pedestrian harmed in an accident in California must demonstrate that the party at fault owed the walker a legal duty of care and violated that duty. Negligence is breaking a duty of care, but that negligence must have brought on the accident. In order to succeed in a personal injury lawsuit or claim, the pedestrian must also have sustained injuries in the collision. 

Consulting a lawyer would be the best option! 

A California pedestrian accident lawyer would be pleased to consult with you about your case without charging you anything and assist you in pursuing the compensation you are entitled to. A lawyer will understand the accident and help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages following the accident.

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