Is Thermic Effect Good for Weight Loss?

There are many different diets and substances out there that promise you varying results. Everyone wants what is most convenient but they aren’t always willing to put in the time and energy to exercise or even learn about the diets themselves. The thermic effect is an interesting concept that deals with the food that you consume and plays a role in your weight management with different fat storage. With that in mind, here is some more information regarding the thermic effect and why it is effective.

What Is The Thermic Effect

The thermic effect is known fully as the thermic effect of food, which refers to the energy involved in the process of digesting the food. Your body consumes energy during your digestion, and sometimes that energy expenditure in terms of calorie burn is significant in comparison with the calorie intake of the actual food consumption. Different foods demand more energy used from your body, increasing the percentage of calorie burn, while other foods have varying numbers of calories which also creates a difference in your calorie burn. The thermic effect basically stipulates that the higher the effect, the fewer calories are stored as fats.

Fats And Carbs

Fats, oils and carbohydrates have a thermic effect between about 5 and 15% meaning if you consume something with around 100 calories, 5% will be burned off while the other 95 calories will be moved into your fat storage. This is a relatively low thermic effect. If your goal is to lose weight, you need to look at cutting down fat intake as they are much closer to 100% of the calories being stored and thus your workouts or weight loss progress is much more difficult.


In comparison to fats and carbs, lean protein tends to have a higher thermic effect of upwards of about 20-35%. These include different meats like chicken, beef, or pork, and other sources like eggs and fish. The health experts with knowledge on thermogenic supplements at recognize that food sources high in protein will typically result in lower calorie intake after digestion and after the thermic effect takes place, resulting in lower fat storage. Proteins are often seen as the top tier food when it comes to getting the right amount of nutrients in a balanced diet as they provide your body with the necessary calories and protein while only storing a portion of it.

Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables tend to have a much higher thermic effect. This is a result of most fruits and vegetables are high in fibre, and fibre has 100% thermic effect. The fruits themselves are not 100% fibre as there are quite a lot of sugars and water in each fruit, but this will still translate to a very low amount of calories that you are left with after the thermic effect. Because of this, most fruits and vegetables high in fibre are great for your diet, so they are essential to your healthy living. Of course, you can’t just have a diet around fruits and vegetables and need to incorporate a healthy balance to get the different nutrients you need.

Other Foods

There are many other foods that you can incorporate into your diet that will increase the thermic effect and help you with your dietary weight loss goals. Garlic has a lot of benefits, and has been linked with not only preventing fat gain, but also helping with fat loss. In addition to being great for fat, but also for other issues like helping deal with diabetes, lower blood pressure, and other benefits. Cinnamon is another ingredient that is not just for treats and sweets, but also helps with weight management. They also help with lower levels of blood sugar, which has been linked and associated with fat loss. Chili peppers have great thermic effects, forcing the body to expend energy in order to cool the body after its temperature risers. Additionally, spicy peppers can curb your hunger or consumption, contributing further to weight management.

If you are looking for new ideas and different diets to help with your weight management or weight loss, watching what you eat is extremely crucial to that progress. It is a good idea to learn and understand just how the different food groups impact your body and how your body in turn responds to them. Understanding that it is about a balanced approach in terms of food and exercise is key to success, and there is no single magic pill that will make you reach your fitness goals.

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