Is the Root Canal Treatment Safe? What Complications May Arise During The Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a preferred solution for treating infections in the tooth. The root canal is the tissue inside the tooth containing the nerves and blood vessels. The root canal procedure involves removing the infected nerve and blood vessels from the root canal and then cleaning and sealing the canal. This procedure can help to save the tooth.

Root canal treatment Sydney is a safe and effective procedure that has been used for many years.

However, there are a few risks linked with the treatment. These risks include:

Infection: There is a risk of infection after a root canal treatment. This can occur if the dental sealant is not placed correctly or the bacteria are not eliminated from the root canal.

Tooth fracture: There is a risk that the tooth will fracture during root canal treatment. Fractures can occur if the tooth is brittle and the dentist applies too much force to extract the infected tissue from the root canal. Fractures can also occur when filling or sealing the root canal.

If a fracture is suspected, your dentist will recommend getting an X-ray done to determine if the fracture is in the tooth itself or the bone. If the fracture is in the tooth, a crown may be needed to protect the tooth. If the fracture is in the bone, surgery may be required to repair it.

Nerve damage: There is a risk of nerve damage during root canal treatment. If the dentist accidentally damages the nerve while removing the infected tissue from the root canal, this can occur.

Nerve damage can cause toothache, sensitivity to hot and cold, or tingling in the lips and chin. If nerve damage is suspected, an X-ray may be taken to determine if the nerve is damaged.

If you are worried about the risks of a root canal treatment, talk to your dentist. They can explain the risks in more detail and help you decide if root canal treatment is proper for you.

Overall, root canal treatment is a safe and effective procedure when performed by a qualified dentist. However, if you have pain or any other symptoms after the treatment, be sure to see your dentist as soon as possible.

Pain or symptoms that indicate you need to visit your dentist for help after a root canal treatment include:

  • Pain that is extreme or does not subside
  • Swelling or inflammation in your face or neck
  • Fever and chills
  • Pus draining from the treated tooth
  • A bad taste in your mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing

You will have to ensure that you choose a quality dentist to get the best outcome from your procedure. To make the right decision, you must go to a dentist who has a great deal of experience performing root canal procedures. It would help if you asked how many root canals the dentist has done and their success rate. With so many dentists offering these services, you don’t want to take any chances for your health.



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