Ideas for a Casino-Themed Party

Although you can use a site like a casino online verde at a party by blasting it on a big screen, sometimes it is much more fun if you do a real-life casino emulation. There are ways by which you can have a casino-like experience in your home, and we will give you some ideas today.

Play Poker

The easiest way to have a casino-themed party is to set up a poker table. Of course, you need a set of chips, and you may also need a dealer to facilitate the games.

Where can you buy poker chips and a table? Well, there are poker chips you can buy on Amazon for as little as $60. You can also buy poker mats on Amazon—it is your choice if you want an octagon or rectangular mat. The price is around $80.

The thing with poker mats is they are just mats. You still need a table. If you want, you can just use a dining table and then place the mat on it.

Use Casino Décor

If it is a party, then you want decorations that remind people of a casino. One thing you can do is to use cards as buntings. Buntings are those flag-like things that you hang from wall to wall.

You can also lay out a red carpet in a visible area of the room, like the middle, and make this carpet lead to the buffet table.

In addition, you can style your table like a casino table. Use a green cloth and wrap them tight on the table. It is up to you if you want to use a felt-type kind of cloth to make it feel and look more authentic.

Set Up Bingo and Slot Machines

You can buy a bingo set on Amazon for only $25. You need a separate bingo space or table and someone who will facilitate the game.

For slot machines, there are companies that rent these things out. However, you need to find out if it is illegal to operate these machines in your state or country. If it is just a party, we do not see why the authorities would make a big fuss around it.

If you can find a casino-for-rent company in your area, you might also want to add some roulette and blackjack tables in your party place.

Casino-Like Invitation

The invitation to your party must have a casino vibe. There are many software programs you can use now to make party invitations. All you need to do is sign up for an account, which is free.

You can also ask the guests to wear formal or casino clothing. However, this may make some of them uncomfortable. Some of them may not have formal wear.

Photo Booths

You can rent photo booths and encourage people to take selfies. Ask the photo booth operator to create a backdrop that is also reminiscent of a casino.

There are plenty of casino props you can use. However, it is better to ask the photo booth operator to think of this himself—just validate the plan and make sure they have the props. The most important thing here is the backdrop.

Casino Food and Desserts

You can serve bite-sized foods at your party. If you want, you can hire waiters who will dress formally to give the place a good vibe.

You can also create casino-themed desserts. It is not you who necessarily has to do it. You can ask a food catering company to do it for you. Present your ideas to them, and they will tell you what they can and cannot do.

Party Favors

The last thing that happens at a party is the distribution of party favors. You can send your guest a loot bag that has casino-like mementos. For example, you can put a stack f brand new plying cars in there.

Here are some more ideas of what to put in a loot bag:

  • Personalized playing cards
  • Fake casino chips or tokens
  • Casino-themed cookies
  • A small, framed picture that has a casino theme

The bag itself must have a casino feel. You can use a bright red or green velvet bag. Since these things are not immediately for sale, you can contact online providers of print-on-demand services or what we call POD companies.

The beauty of working with these companies is that there is no minimum order requirement. It means that you can order maybe 20 or 30 pieces only, not hundreds. Just make sure you order a sample so you can see the quality of the product.


We advise caution if you want to do this. Some countries ban casino activities in private places unless you have a license to operate. If you do not have one, you can sneak in some casino paraphernalia, but make sure you do not post these on social media.

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