How to Use an Electronic Pill Dispenser

Keeping track of a medication schedule has finally met a tool for the Information Age: the Electronic Medicine Cabinet!

Make Life Easier For You And Your Family

Many of us have a hectic lifestyle, and we have so many gadgets and reminders that are provided through our phones or computers to help us keep up. For those of us who need to remember to take pills for ourselves, for our children, or for elderly parents who we are helping care for, an electronic pill dispenser is a godsend. 

Trying to remember complicated medication care plans is too much to set to memory for many, who vart around dog-eared and stained up papers with elaborate pill timelines and schedules written all over them. In this era, we can do so much better to stay healthy and maintain the correct medication schedule. 

The Hero Pill Dispenser operates with an easy to use app that you download to your smartphone or computer. After your pill schedule is entered into the app, the app communicates with the dispenser – and it can easily sort through up to ten medications, and dispense up to a 90-day supply on time, based upon your medication schedule. 

Unfortunately, the Hero is unable to dispense liquid or chewable medications, and can only dispense whole tablets (not tablets that are broken in half or into other proportions in order to fulfill a smaller dose than the original tablet is dosed for). You or your caregiver will get real-time notifications to tell you that you (or who you are caring for) are due for your medication. A low monthly fee will cover the care and support of your Hero dispenser, and you will have an electronic helper to make sure that your medicine schedule is met!

Perfect For Those With Memory Problems

If you or a parent are suffering from issues with short or long-term memory, The Hero is a great way to stay independent while also staying on time with medications. There is no need to worry about missing doses any longer, as all of the sorting, dispensing, and reminders are taken care of by a digital “assistant”.  

Are you caring for a child with long term health care problems? Sometimes, juggling work, family, and basic child care is a big enough challenge, without the additional workload that a complicated medication schedule can add. More time to focus on family is a gift that can be embraced with a Hero membership. Even complicated medication regimens can be easily managed by putting your trust in a digital assistant who always remembers to notify you of pill times, no matter where you are, or what you are up to. 

Simplify Your Life Today

24-hour support from real people is another perk from Hero device membership, and any questions or problems you might have after you have set up and begun use of your new pill dispenser can be fielded any time of day or night. Whether for you, your child, or if you are setting up use for a caregiver to use, the system is warrantied to be to your satisfaction. 

Having complicated medication regimens is no longer a burden if you have a dedicated personal assistant to help you every day, 365 days a year, in your goals to be compliant to your care plan and as healthy as possible. 

Hero stores, sorts, and dispenses your meds – both scheduled doses and doses that can be taken only as needed, through the handy integrated app. Reminders come in both visual and audio forms to better ensure that no dose gets missed or delayed. Your health is what is most important to the creators and innovators at Hero, and our operators are always ready to help with any questions or problems you might have. Get ready for your life to become easier and less stressful with your new Hero medication dispenser! 

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