How to Train for a 5K Run

Prepare for your big run and see results in just about two months!

A 5k run seems to be an excellent goal for runners, especially to many aspiring new ones. 5k (equivalent to 3.1 miles) is the perfect distance particularly for novice runners. Participating in such race gives them a new inspiration as well as a different kind of enjoyment. Even if you’re the lazy-bones type, in just about two months you can achieve that 5k goal once you’ve decided to participate in the race.  One thing you will want to have is music while you prepare so be sure to check out these MP3 players reviews for great options.

So how will you prepare yourself for the 5k run? Here are our suggestions and notes for you to take in your 5k run training. Let’s take the eight-week schedule, for instance, to achieve your best form and get totally ready for your first 5k run.

Mondays and Fridays

Remember that Mondays and Fridays are considered by many as rest days. You think that you’ll get much more out of your workout by skipping those rest days. On the contrary, you’ll get burned out by having seven straight days of workout and not resting. Like a machine, your body needs to rest in order to function at its maximum capacity. Otherwise, you’ll most likely suffer muscle soreness or worse, injuries. Respect the needs of your body when it experiences tiredness, by a moment of recovery — it will also promote injury prevention.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: After doing a good warm-up, run at a more convenient pace for a mileage that you yourself have specified. After running, don’t forget to cool down and do some stretching. Every week you’ll want to add your runs by a quarter mile. If you normally run on roads and you don’t know exactly how many miles you’ve covered, you can use Or you can use your car’s odometer in measuring how far you’ve really run.


Wednesdays: Start a cross-training activity for 30 to 40 minutes. Do biking, swimming, or any other cardio. Do this from easy to moderate level. Strength training is also recommended to build up your muscles, but do it in a moderate effort.


Sundays: Your Sunday trainings should consist of less intense running or jogging. You can also choose to do a running and walking combination or cross-training.

Note: This is the sample daily schedule for a 5k training. Depending on how busy you are, you can switch days, swap your rest days for workout days, etc. to accommodate your schedule.

Some benefits of undergoing training for the 5K run:

  • Setting a new goal such as a 5k run will renew your excitement for losing weight.
  • Committing to a 5k run is a powerful motivation because you’ll naturally want to do well or even better. You want to enhance your performance and strength as you go on with your training.
  • Increasing your pre-5k run training will not only help you shed pounds, but alo help you in boosting your strength, resistance to sickness, speed, and endurance.
  • Undergoing the training will give you a sense of responsibility, pride and accomplishment because this is something that you’ve been working hard for. This will also boost your confidence to try something that is unprecedented for you before, and succeed.
  • Perhaps the greatest benefit of entering a 5k-run is enjoying and having fun. Delighting at the great outdoor scenery, meeting other runners and making friends with them who share the same interests as you have — this is all more the motivation to look forward to more racing events.

Related links

  • 5K Training Tips For Running Rookies –
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  • How to Train for Your First 5K | ACTIVE
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