How to Select the Best Pet Carrier for Pets

Regardless of whether you and your pet want to travel the world together, or you simply need something to take him/her on your visit to the vet, or perhaps you just want to take a stroll at the park, you’ll need a pet carrier. A pet carrier is one helpful and necessary addition to your pet supply because it guards and protects your pet while going in the vehicle and makes it feasible for you to easily take him/her on planes. 

There are numerous kinds of pet carriers available in the market currently. You will find different types and forms of beautiful pet carriers. However, not all these carriers will soothe your needs and that of your pet. Before you select any pet carrier, here are some factors to consider. 

Factors to Consider When Buying a Pet Carrier for Pets

Consider the Perfect Measurement of Your Pet

When scouting for a pet carrier for your pet, you’re bound to see all kinds of sizes. You need to know your pet’s height and length to choose the right carrier size. The pet must be able to turn around effectively and twist up or loosen up when resting in the carrier. Take measurements from the neck, where the collar sits, to the base of the tail. Next, measure the shoulder range from the highest point to the ground. If the carrier is hard-sided, add about 5 inches to your pet’s measurement. If the carrier is delicate, on the other hand, add about 3 inches to the pet’s measurement. You should also consider the pet’s weight when buying a carrier for him/her.

Consider the Purpose of the Pet Carrier

Different forms of pet carriers serve different purposes. You must decide which of these carriers will suit your purpose. You should first consider what outdoor activities you engage most often with your pet. This could be road trips, airline travels, vet visits, hiking, etc. If the carrier will be used mainly for vehicle trips or to keep the pet contained when taking a stroll, you’ll need a lightweight carrier that is simple to convey, simple to pack, and quite comfortable for your pet. If you intend to fly with your pet, on the other hand, you must buy an airline approved pet carrier for pets, as aircraft have strict guidelines for pet carriers, and you would prefer not to get to the door just to find that the aircraft will not permit the pet carrier you are using. 

Determine the Style of the Pet Carrier You Want

Before buying a pet carrier, you must decide on what style to buy. The perfect style to choose will depend on what you need it for. Below are some popular styles of pet carriers you should consider. 

Soft-Sided Pet Carriers

These pet carrier styles are more popular with cats and small and medium-sized dogs. They are perfect for short trips and outings with your pets, like visiting the vet, going to the restaurant or park, etc. They are also easier to carry and more portable than hard-sided carriers. If your pet chews a lot, a soft-sided pet carrier is probably not the best option. 

Hard-Sided Pet Carriers

If you plan to take your pet on a long trip on an airplane, a train, ship, or a long road trip, you should consider a hard-sided carrier for your pet. This pet carrier is also suitable for pets that are fond of chewing and escaping.

Pet Carriers with Wheels

If you want to make traveling with your pet more comfortable, stress-free, and more convenient, you should consider a wheeled pet carrier. Instead of hanging the carrier on your back and shoulders all day, you will simply pull the carrier behind you. Wheeled carriers are perfect for airplane trips but are the wrong choice for hiking. 

Backpack Pet Carriers

If you want to feel as close to your pet as possible, a backpack carrier is a great idea for you. They are usually used to hold small and medium-sized pets. Pets in these carriers can quickly join in the fun. Backpack pet carriers are great for hiking with your pets.

Wearable Pet Carriers 

These types of carriers are much like wearable baby carriers. Your hands can be free while you walk with the pet, and your pets also get to have their heads outside during the stroll.

Airline Rules for Traveling with Small Pet Dogs

Are you planning to go on an airplane trip with your 25 lb dog? You may keep the pet with you in the cabin if you follow the airline rules. Here are some common airline guidelines for traveling with small pet dogs.

  • You must register your pet with the airport on time since most airports only allow a limited number of pets on board. Otherwise, you may fail to reserve a spot for your pet in the cabin.
  • Make sure you buy an airline-approved pet carrier for 25 lb dogs or any other size that fits your small dog. Airlines take pet carrier rules strictly, and you can risk having your pet rejected at the airport if your carrier isn’t airline approved.
  • Have all your pet’s paperwork ready since most airlines will ask for them. You should also get a health certificate issued and signed by your vet.
  • Note that some airlines will not allow dogs around the age of 6 weeks or younger. Make sure you check this detail with your airline before your travel date. 
  • Your pet must stay in the airplane-approved pet carrier at all times when on board. 

Airline Rules for Traveling with Bigger Pet Dogs

  • Bigger pet dogs must stay in the cargo hold unless they are emotional support dogs or service dogs.
  • You must provide pet carriers or crates that are large enough for your bigger pets to comfortably move around freely, sit or stand in the carrier.
  • You must drop off your dog at the cargo location 2 or 3 hours before your flight and also endeavor to pick them up on time.

If you are searching for the perfect carrier to buy for your airplane trip with your pet, here’s a list of the most popular airline-approved pet carriers for pets. These carriers are not just fancy and beautiful; they are sure to stand the test of time and keep your pets safe and comfortable. 


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