How to score Highest Marks in an IB Programme?

If you have gotten yourself a placing in IB Programme, congratulations to you! This worldwide  recognized accreditation boasts high quality and challenging education which also gets most students worried about this one thing – how to score the highest marks in an IB programme? The following are some important tips to ace an IB Programme and IB Tuition. good luck!

Keep Distractions Out

Many students, and even adults, have themselves plugged into music all day and all night long to accompany them through long hours of study and work. Some people keep their messaging platforms on the screen right in front of them so they are constantly replying to their mates. Others study in the noisiest living room, with television plugged on, family members walking around and talking incessantly. We all attempt to “multi task”, but the problem is, it is impossible to multitask and still expect highest productivity. In fact, background noise with words steals your ability to concentrate. This includes your favourite song, unfortunately. Make it a point to keep distractions out and set up a setting that is most productive for your studying – could be lighting up a candle of the scent you like, or playing instrumental music.

Burning the Midnight Oil? Think Again

Staying up and studying into the night seems like you are getting extra hours to study that hardest topic or extra time to submit your assignment by its deadline. But, the fact is you are only going to wake up later the next morning if you want to catch up on your sleep, or you are going to have to work with minimal sleep. Getting only 6 hours of sleep per night for two weeks leaves you with the same mental capacity as if you had been awake for 48 hours, and the effect is that your decision making abilities will be impaired when you are sleep deprived. It truly is not justifiable to stay up all night to try to cram minimal information into your head.

Seek Help for Your Learning

Most students think seeking help is a “primary school” thing to do – older students and adults should learn independently and figure out questions themselves. And this is true, the older you get, the more students are in charge of their own learning and should attempt to figure out difficulties on their own. However, students are merely students. There is no way that your understanding and knowledge could be on par with teachers and tutor who have far more advanced education and years of experience imparting their knowledge. This is why it is important to seek help when needed – be it from your school teachers or external IB tutors from ChampionTutors ( When you start to be responsible for your own learning and seek help, your teachers and tutors would be more than willing to clarify your doubts.

Practice on Tutorial Questions

We all know how important past year papers’ questions are, but I cannot emphasise how important tutorial questions are as well. While most students are accustomed to practicing past year papers’ questions again and again, these questions are not going to repeat itself. Yes, you read that right, what you think you can do in previous papers, are almost never going to appear in your own paper. But, you know what is likely to appear? Your tutorial questions! This is because in most schools, tutorial questions are regularly curated by tutors in accordance to examination style questions with the latest syllabus and new tweaks to aid in students’ learning. This is why, it is so important to re-attempt your tutorial questions even right before your examination.

Remember, consistency is key. You cannot be expecting an overnight change if you only follow these tips two weeks prior to your national examination. Lastly, all the best for your studies and examinations to come!

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