How to Have Your Own Circus At Home

The first modern circus hosted in the U.S. was back in 1793 in Philadelphia, although they’re said to have been a form of public entertainment that originated in ancient Rome. Many of us grew up going to the circus as it’s something that kids and adults have long enjoyed.

If you’d like to bring the fun into your home with an unforgettable circus party or just enjoy a circus for any reason at home, it may be easier to do than you think. We’ll help you put on the greatest circus on Earth, or, at least in your neighborhood.


Circuses are all about entertainment so you’ll want to focus on that aspect. While bringing in elephants probably isn’t the best idea, or even legal, that doesn’t mean you can’t have animals. There are many options for bringing animals like cuddly bunnies, piglets, goats, lambs, or even kangaroos. Pony rides can be included too. Search for “circus entertainers near me” and you’re bound to find that and other options like contortionists and aerialists too.


While entertainment may be the star of these events, a good circus includes games too. A game of “flaming hoops” can be created simply by tying red and orange crepe paper strips on the side of hula hoops. Each guest will then have to make it through the hoop without touching the “flaming” sides. Tightrope walking can be done by stringing up two ropes between the trees so that there’s one for hands and one for feet. Instead of “pin the tail on the donkey,” how about pin the nose on the clown?

The Food

Some fun ideas for sweet and savory circus foods include popcorn, peanut, cotton candy, corn dogs, and even small burgers with tiny clown hats. Don’t forget the circus animal crackers. If you can find some red and white stripe bags for the finger foods, all the better.

Circus Decor

The circus generally includes lots of bright reds, blues, and yellows that create a sense of theater. Think bold decorations, lots of stripes, and interactive props. Look for striped tablecloths, circus-themed party signs like “Welcome to the Circus,” a circus tent, animal toys and balloons, a stage curtain for performances, and even a trampoline with a sign that says “Acrobats here.” If you can find some really big striped boxes, you can fill them with yellow balloons to look like popcorn.


Make it even more fun by asking your guests to dress up as circus performers, like clowns, acrobats, a ringmaster, or a strongman. Animals that are typically seen at the circus-like lions, tigers, and elephants are another idea. Dressing up like cotton candy works too.


Once you’ve set the date for your big circus event, you’ll want impressive invites to match. There are lots of creative ways to get all those RSVPs rolling in, such as invites that look like vintage circus tickets, a big top card that opens up to reveal all the details or clown noses with invitation tags attached.



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