How to create a welcoming living room

A cosy living room can be the centrepiece of the house. But they can also be difficult to create. Even if you have the ideal space set out and designed in your head, they can sometimes be difficult to pull together into an inviting living space. Naturally, the most obvious step is to purchase bespoke fitted furniture to make the living room comfortable. But there are other ways of creating a welcoming living room too.

Keep it organised

A cluttered living room can leave you feeling a little anxious. But it’s difficult to constantly keep this room organised when it’s a central place for the family. Try using your walls and ceiling for unorthodox hanging storage to avoid having clutter on the floor. Alternatively, you can buy an Ottoman to combine as somewhere to rest your feet, while storing items. Meanwhile, a practical solution is to conceal all of those TV wires which always seem to get tangled.

The farmhouse accent cabinet seamlessly blends visual charm with everyday usefulness, making it a fantastic choice for different areas around your home – think the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and even the laundry room. Beyond its role in elevating the overall aesthetic, it’s also a clever storage solution that adds practicality to your living spaces.

Add blankets and cushions

Adding plenty of comfy items to your living room will leave your guests feeling much more at home. A throw blanket can add texture and warmth to any piece of furniture – leave a few lying around for your guests to enjoy. It’s the same for cushions too: dot warm, interesting floor cushions around your lounge and your guests will find it hard to not cuddle up to them!

Choose a rich colour pallet

Surprisingly enough, choosing a rich colour pallet can make your room feel much more intimate. This can be especially effective in large living rooms. The trick to creating cosy colours is to separate your room into different zones. Perhaps you could add a vibrant hue near your bookcase. Or maybe, go for a warm, deep colour near your furniture. If applied correctly, these colours can lend your room real warmth on cold winter nights.


Lighting is similarly important to colour. When you’re winding down in your living room, the last thing you want is a harsh main light glaring in your eyeline. Add smaller, dimmer lights in different levels of the room to create depth to go with your lighting. This can help bring a softer, more diffused lighting for your living room.

Everyone wants a warm, welcoming living room. And by following the above advice, you can find the inspiration to create a cosy one for yourself.

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