How helpful is Sleep Dentistry?

Sleep dentistry is a relatively new and growing field in dentistry. It offers people a way to get the dental care they need while still getting the benefits of sleep. In addition, sleep dentistry can be helpful for people who have difficulty getting to the dentist’s office, or who have anxiety when visiting the dentist in Toorak.

Sleep dentistry can be carried out in a dental chair or a sleep clinic. In a dental chair, the person is sedated and his or her movement is restricted to stop them from disturbing the dentist as he works. For people who have anxiety going to the dentist, this method of using anaesthesia can be helpful

Those with obstructive sleep apnea can also benefit from sleep dentistry. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person stops breathing for short periods of time during their sleep. This can lead to fatigue, headaches, and other health problems. Sleep dentistry can help to treat sleep apnea by keeping the airway open during sleep.

There are many benefits to sleep dentistry, also receive sleep dentistry in a sleep clinic. Instead of being sedated, the patient is placed on CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) before going to bed for the night. The dentist then arrives in the morning to perform any necessary dental work, while the person is still sleeping.

Benefits of sleep dentistry

  • People with obstructive sleep apnea can benefit from sleep dentistry by keeping the airway open during sleep.
  • Sleep dentistry can be helpful for people who have difficulty getting to the dentist’s office, or who have anxiety about going to the dentist.
  • Sleep dentistry can be carried out in a dental chair or asleep

What dental treatments can be done with sleep dentistry?

Sleep dentistry can be used to treat a variety of dental issues. Some of the common reasons for sleep dentistry include:

  • Scaling and polishing teeth, removing plaque and tartar
  • Cleaning and whitening teeth
  • Filling cavities and replacing old fillings with new ones
  • Removing wisdom teeth, which may be impacted or partially erupted
  • Place implants
  • Straighten teeth with Invisalign clear braces
  • Remove impacted, extra or diseased teeth

Dentists with special training in sleep dentistry can provide this service. It is a relatively new and growing field in dentistry, so there may not be a lot of dentist who offer this service in your area. However, if you are interested in receiving sleep dentistry, it is essential to ask your dentist if they have any special training in the field.

Cost of sleep dentistry

The cost of sleep dentistry can vary from office to office. It may be more expensive than a regular dental visit because it involves bringing in a specialist and staying overnight at a clinic or hospital. You should ask your dentist if they have any special training in the field, how much their services cost, and what insurance plans are accepted before scheduling a visit.

What are the disadvantages of sleep dentistry?

Treatments that require staying overnight for sleep dentistry can be expensive and time-consuming. People must drive to a clinic or hospital, check-in, and then wait until it is their turn for treatment. They must also spend the night at the facility to receive dental work. This may not be an option for people who live far from a sleep dentistry clinic or those who have a hectic schedule.

Some people also experience discomfort or pain after surgery. However, this is mild and may go away within a few days. However, if you experience severe pain or other problems, be sure to contact your dentist immediately.

People with sleep apnea should not receive sleep dentistry until their apnea has been treated. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke.


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