How Gaming Can Influence Quantum Computing

The world of quantum computing is endless and opening up doors into futuristic computing that most tech developers could only ever have seen in their wildest dreams. Despite the excitement of this ever expanding world, it is well known that quantum computers are annoyingly prone to error. 

The basic unit of quantum programming – the quantum gate – fails about once every hundred operations. That error rate is high and is makes it challenging for testers and creators working in the field to make larger strides in this PC tech.

While most developers and programmers are concerned about the high error rate, there is an innovative coder who is jumping light years above the rest. 

PNNL’s Nathan Wiebe is a visionary in the field and steaming ahead writing code that he is confident will run on quantum computers when they are ready. He is currently the professor of physics at the University of Washington and busy shaping the young minds of today that will be the quantum computing theorists and programmers of tomorrow. 

Wiebe’s stunning display of forward thinking and out-the-box problem solving is what has pushed him into the spot of worldwide leader in quantum algorithm development with a dozen different international partnerships and 91 publications on quantum algorithms published in the last five years.

Gaming Rules Apply To Quantum Gates

Coding for quantum computers asks that we drop all constructs of what we currently understand about computing, and jump into a creative imagination space where anything is potentially possible. Weibe has said that all it takes is for us to take a look at the Minecraft universe and draw inspiration from there. 

This is where the gaming world – including everything from console games to those played at Black Lotus online casino – comes into play and has possible ground breaking potential in the world of quantum computers. Minecraft coders have simulated real-world physics and created virtual calculators, while creating a totally individual world that exists in a non-physical realm.

The similarities between Minecraft and quantum computing include the fact that there are rules that are not fully being understood. There are also physics-defying occurrences that leave us questioning the reality of the world of quantum gaming. 

The leaders in quantum computing are faced with the strange rules of quantum mechanics. They’re trying to find creative ways to overcome them to build computers that, in some cases, can solve problems trillions of times faster than ordinary computers. They’re doing this by using quantum effects like interference and entanglement that ordinary computers cannot do. 

More Than Physics

Weibe says that on a quantum computer, when you try to measure the quantum bits, they revert to ordinary bits. In the process, they lose the very features that give quantum computing its power.  He goes on to explain that with quantum computers you have to be more undercover than you do with ordinary computers. You have to coax out information about the system without damaging the information that was encoded in there in the first place.

Quantum computing is not just about physics, it goes much deeper than that. It combines many other fields including physics, computer science, mathematics, materials science, and data science. Quantum computing is asking for all people working on this field to really look deeper into what it means to compute.

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