How Does Late Whiplash Syndrome Affect You?

Your shoulders and neck can be hurt by whiplash. In this case, the neck is thrust back and forth by a sudden force. A high vibration level in the neck and spinal column can harm muscles, discs, nerves, and tendons.

After a car accident, many people experience whiplash injuries, which can be quite painful. Even while symptoms of a whiplash injury typically develop within 24 hours of a collision or other traumatic incident, they may take weeks or months to manifest.

Chronic Whiplash Symptoms

The term “delayed whiplash” or “late whiplash syndrome” refers to the timing of the onset of whiplash symptoms (LWS). According to estimates, 14% to 42% of people who experience whiplash pain following a car accident develop persistent symptoms.

Speak with a Whiplash Injury Attorney

After a car collision, insurance companies frequently attempt to minimize the severity or validity of whiplash injuries, especially if symptoms take time to manifest. Let them know that you are in agony.

You deserve to be heard, as well as to be given back what you’ve lost. Despite advances in vehicle safety, car accidents are nevertheless painful events because the human body was not designed to withstand such powerful impacts. The possibility of whiplash injury should never be discounted.

Contact our Atlanta personal injury attorney if you’ve been hurt in an accident and exhibit whiplash or delayed whiplash symptoms to determine your legal options. In addition to helping you obtain the necessary medical care, we can fight for you against the insurance provider.

Reasons to Avoid Underestimating Whiplash Injuries

Never overlook sudden pain in the neck and shoulders following an automobile accident or rear-end collision. You should receive medical care regardless of when the pain starts—a few minutes, days, or even weeks after the collision.

It is advisable to get treatment immediately, even if you are unsure whether your pain is severe enough to necessitate a trip to the doctor. The cervical spine and joints experience physical alterations as a result of whiplash. You may have sustained significant wounds like pinched nerves, minor fractures, or ruptured spinal discs.

Your discomfort could last for months and develop into chronic pain if those changes aren’t identified and treated with appropriate pain treatment. Whiplash-related chronic pain can negatively impact a person’s quality of life and ability to enjoy daily activities like driving, working, or engaging in hobbies.

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