Freelancing: How to Thrive amid Shifting Economy and Workplace Demographics

Freelancing as a New World Order

A widespread decline in health care coverage and a specter of firing during pandemic has made half of working Americans dissatisfied with their jobs. The number of those who performed paid freelance assignments has reached more than ⅓ of the workforce in America. Online resume writing services demonstrate an increase in quotes for full-time freelance as well. It’s high time for managers to consider a new revolutionary idea to expand a company’s talent pool, empower a mobile labor force, finish projects faster by recruiting freelancers.

Why Professionals Choose Freelancing

Freelancing may be a great way out of the economic collapse of recent times. In its 7th annual survey, a legitimate digital marketplace for freelancers Upwork has declared a contribution of $1.2 trillion to the U. S. economy in 2020. An alternative to traditional employment in conditions of uncertainty gets fueled by highly-skilled pros who seek flexible work during the pandemic of COVID-19. Experienced freelancers, earning $28-56 per hour (that is more than 70% of workers in the U.S.) don’t want traditional jobs anymore.

Top 5 Attractions for Freelancers

Though the absence of income stability and access to benefits can be a real challenge, more and more freelancers choose this way of working as the best one to take back control of their lives. The surveys show that 60% of 59 million freelancers are working independently by choice and not a necessity. During the last five years, they name the same reasons why they choose independence. Here they are in order of importance:
1. The flexibility of schedule;
2. Being one’s own boss;
3. The flexibility of location;
4. Great work choice;
5. Ability to pursue certain interests.

Top 5 Popular Occupations in Freelancing

Freelancing attracts not only techies but gets spread in many areas, and the range of freelance professions is growing. According to the latest studies, the list of occupations for freelancing looks as follows:
1. Arts and Design;
2. Entertainment;
3. Construction;
4. Architecture and Engineering;
5. Computing and Mathematics.

Top 5 Sources to Look for Freelancers

It may surprise you, but freelance marketplaces are neither single nor so popular sources for outsourcers to find freelancers. According to statistics, personal contacts are more effective in finding customers and performers. Most independent workers keep tracking a database of current and previous clients. Professional and personal networks such as LinkedIn or Facebook are much helpful to get new business connections as well. The list of popular ways of outsourcing according to popularity include the following social groups:
1. Previous Clients;
2. Friends and Family;
3. Professional Contacts;
4. Social Media;
5. Online Ads.

The Pitfalls of Hiring Freelancers & Solution Paths

Many recruiters can’t understand all the opportunities that the growth of freelancing has opened up for employers, thinking about freelance employees as the most difficult ones. In a manner, integrating freelancers is far from managing full-time employees. The managers should understand the common problems they can face working with them and put a protocol before something goes wrong. These are prevailing hardships of collaboration with the freelancers and the paths to get effective output from them.

Communication Mishaps

Freelancers refer to the most mobile group of workers; they can work on a beach, airplane, or poolside. To avoid misunderstanding or delays and to get all tasks done before deadlines a manager should organize clear and consistent communication for both parties which include:

1. Setting email protocol to plan the work ahead;
2. Scheduling all checks-ins in good time;
3. Establishing a system of meetings to recap tasks;
4. Tracking all projects to be immediately available.

Collaboration Difficulties

Does your company’s project engage full-time employees as well as freelancers? The operational aspects are of great importance for the dynamic of the team and success in finishing the project. GRPI approach can be a magic pill to create a positive environment for anyone to avoid disorder and a job done twice or never. It includes the setting of Goals, Roles, Processes, and Interactions by a manager:

1. Be certain all team members know the long-run perspective and goal for collaboration.
2. Never forget to point out the roles for each member of the team and inform others about them.
3. Be ready to shift the plan when needed, completing all processes will take time and flexibility.
4. Maintain organizational culture when interacting with all employees, both freelancers and those who don’t work remotely.

Unsteady Organizational Culture

You may like it or not, but in a team split between the office and remote work, the dynamic culture quickly gets distorted. As a manager, you should become the centerpiece of culture. Use the following tips to keep an organizational culture with freelancer or teleworkers:
While hiring a freelancer pay attention to the cultural fit, not only his or her portfolio or skills a list of which can be created by the experts from online resume writing services.
Look after your behavior, communication style, and actions with freelancers.
If possible, invite freelancers at the office to work together with the full-time workers over the project, integrate them into the team, adding them to meetings or newsletters.

The freelance workforce has come to stay, and minorities will soon become the majority of the labor force. The teams of recruiters and managers should know basic rules of work and collaboration with freelancers as diverse employees bring benefits and drive the organization to the future which can differ from what we see now.

About the Author

Donna (Lever)

  • Bachelor of Arts in Human Resources Management
  • She creates well-qualified packages: executive resume writing service and development of the LinkedIn profile. She’s worked closely with directors and hiring managers identifying specific hiring needs.
  • Has strong knowledge in employment law, benefits and compensation, organizational planning and prioritizing, employee relations, safety and training and development. She continuously maintained an understanding of the industries and skill sets served, including trends and new developments.
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