Five Essential Items for a Hiking Holiday

A hiking vacation can be a great way to bond with your family. Unlike other outdoor activities, it is straightforward to do. All you need is to follow a trail and go from one end to another. It can be a simple afternoon hike or even a few days. That time is the ideal time to bond with your family. However, while hiking can be simple, it does not mean you should go into it unprepared. If you’re looking for some of the best New Zealand Trails guided hiking tours, you’ve come to the right place. The tour guides will take you on an unforgettable journey through stunning landscapes in the world.

Here are some essential items to bring on your hike.

1. Map and compass

While hiking on a trail seems easy, you still have a chance to get lost. There have been many stories of hikers missing on the track, so don’t be part of the statistics. Bring along a map and compass. Your map should be the latest copy, while you should familiarize yourself with your compass. Knowing how to navigate correctly will prevent you from losing your way. Bring paper maps along since GPS, and digital connections might not be consistent. You don’t have to worry about the digital map being unavailable with an actual physical map.

2. Food and drinking implements

Even with a full stomach, the effort when hiking will drain you when you start. To keep your strength up, you need food and water. Pack ration bars, MRE and trail mix in your bag. Always have some extra to ensure that you don’t get hungry. Besides food, you should also bring water. While water bottles are great, you can buy other products for hydration which allows you to drink without even opening a bottle like the popular Hydration Systems Leader products in the market.

3. Good hiking shoes

While hiking is low impact compared to other outdoor activities, it can still put a lot of stress on your body. So naturally, your feet would experience the most damage. If you want to avoid blisters and limping after your hike, you should get good hiking shoes. They need to provide enough cushioning to ease each step while also providing good traction as you move on the trails.

4. Sunscreen and sunglasses

Another problem when hiking is exposure to the sun. On a bright sunny day, the sun will beat down on you. While the heat is not bad, direct sunlight can be harmful in large amounts. A sunburn will make your hike a terrible experience. Get some sun protection by getting sunscreen, a hat, and even a pair of sunglasses.

5. First aid kit

Accidents happen, and you need to be ready for them during a hike. Bring a ready first-aid kit to ensure that if something terrible happens, you can handle it. Additionally, bring along a communications device in case of an emergency. It will help a lot if you can call for help if there are emergencies.

With the proper preparation, you can have fewer things to worry about. It will allow you to enjoy your hike with no worries. These items also ensure that you arrive at your destination safely. Pack them before you go on your walk, and you will have a great time.

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