Five Alternative Ideas for a Boys’ Weekend in London

You find yourself planning a weekend away with the boys in London, only that you have done this kind of thing a million and one times before. It always ends the same way, with John drinking more than he should before you have even left the hotel, Mike’s conveniently forgotten his wallet and you trudge back home Sunday morning feel worse for wear.

If that sounds familiar, then perhaps it’s time you changed up your usual boys’ weekend and opted for some alternative ideas. Don’t worry, we have included some options where you can indulge in a drink or two, but we are confident that our recommendations make for a weekend that you won’t want to forget in a hurry.

The O2 Rooftop Climb

Probably the most popular option on our alternative list is The O2 rooftop climb, which does exactly what it says on the tin. You and your mates can climb the world-famous arena, electing to choose whether you wish to have one of the best views of London during the day, as the sun is setting or at night when the lights are on bright.

There is also the option of the Celebration Climb, which is exactly the same as the other options only that you will be rewarded with a glass of bubbly upon reaching the roof. Cheers to that!

Jack the Ripper Tour

Do you and your friends love a little gory history? If so, then you will all love the Jack the Ripper walking tour in the heart of London’s East End. You will be taken to each of the murder scenes and have the opportunity to poke your head into some of the local pubs that the killer himself is likely to have drunk at on occasion.

Not only will you retrace the steps of one of history’s most notorious serial killers, but you will also be given an insight into what London was really like in the 1800s. With some of the original buildings still standing, you will feel as though you have travelled back in time to Victorian England.

Drinks and Board Games

After a busy day of climbing The O2 or re-tracing Jack the Ripper, why not settle down for a drink and one of the many board games you can find at Draughts London. Since launching in 2014, the game café has expanded across two locations in Hackney and Waterloo.

Here, you will have your pick of over 1,000 board games – some household favourites, some hidden gems – whilst you pick from a fantastic menu. For the right group, you can soon find yourself spending much longer than originally planned…and why not!

The Magic Hour

Have you always had a thing for magic and exactly how they do it? If so, then you need to buy yourself tickets for one of London’s most popular magic acts, The Magic Hour. Tony Middleton – otherwise known as Sonic – will be your host as you are treated to a showcase of magic from one of the finest in the business.

Middleton has been featured on famous Las Vegas double-act Penn & Teller’s ITV show Fool Us, as well being a finalist in The Magic Circle Stage Magician of the Year in 2018. You and your friends will simply be mesmerised by his sleight of hands.

Sherlock Holmes Museum

Whether your group of friends are keen fans of the book or the recent BBC adaption starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, the Sherlock Holmes Museum on Baker Street is a must. Inside is a world of wonders and memorabilia of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s creation, that has gone on to spark the interest of multiple generations since its first publication in 1887 in Beeton’s Christmas Annual.

With the fanciful ideas, we are confident that you will walk back through the door on Sunday evening feeling as though you have had one of the best boys’ weekends away with your mates.


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