Finding The Best Obstetrician in Singapore

When you’re pregnant, finding the best care for yourself and your baby is essential. You want to ensure that you and your baby are safe and you’re getting the best possible care during your pregnancy. So, how do you find the right doctor for you? There are a few things to consider when making your decision.

Who is an Obstetrician?

An obstetrician or gynaecologist (OB/GYN) is a doctor who focuses on caring for pregnant women and their babies. Obstetricians go through extensive training in:

  • Pregnancy
  • Prenatal health
  • Labour and childbirth
  • postpartum care
  • Genetic and genetic counselling

In addition, Obstetricians are also trained in general women’s health, which means they can provide care for you throughout your life, not just during pregnancy.

What to Look for In a Pregnancy Doctor

Let’s learn a few things to consider when finding the best pregnancy doctor in Singapore.

1. A board-certified doctor

When pregnant, you want to be sure that your doctor is board-certified by the Singapore Board of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This certification means that your doctor has completed the necessary training and education to provide high-quality care for pregnant women and their babies.

2. A doctor who is a good fit for you

Find a doctor you feel comfortable with and can trust—someone who is patient and takes the time to answer your questions. You should also feel like you can talk to your doctor about anything without feeling embarrassed or judged.

3. A doctor who has experience with high-risk pregnancies

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you must find a doctor with experience caring for women in your situation. You can ask your current doctor for a referral to an OB/GYN who has experience with high-risk pregnancies.

4. Ensure they’re in your network

Another important consideration is to find an obstetrician in your network. Most insurance plans have a network of doctors that they’ll cover. You may have to pay more out-of-pocket if you see a doctor outside of your network. You can check with your insurance company to see what obstetricians are in your network.

What to Expect At Your First Prenatal Appointment

Your first prenatal appointment is an opportunity for you and your doctor to get to know each other and to create a plan for your care. Here’s what you can expect at your first appointment:

1. A physical exam

Your doctor will do a physical exam to check your overall health and to look for any red flags. That will include a Pap smear if you’re due for one.

2. A discussion of your medical history

Your doctor will inquire about your medical history and that of your family members. This is necessary because certain medical conditions can increase your risk of complications during pregnancy.

3. A discussion of your lifestyle

This entails your lifestyle, including your diet, exercise habits, and alcohol & drug use. Be honest with your doctor about these things so they can help you make the best choices for you and your baby.

4. Blood and urine tests

Your doctor will likely order some blood tests at your first prenatal appointment to screen for certain conditions, such as anaemia and diabetes. A urine test will also be done to check for protein and sugar levels and screen for bacteria.

5. A discussion of your due date

Your due date is estimated based on the first day of your last period. This date, however, can be refined as your pregnancy progresses.

6. A discussion of prenatal care

Your doctor will talk to you about the importance of prenatal care and what to expect during pregnancy. You’ll also be given information about what to do if you have any concerns or questions.

7. A discussion of your risk factors

Finally, your doctor will assess your risk factors for complications during pregnancy. This includes your age, weight, medical history, and lifestyle. If you have any risk factors, your doctor will discuss how to manage them.

Finding the best pregnancy doctor for you is a great decision. Be sure to consider all your options and choose a doctor you feel comfortable with and can trust. Your first prenatal appointment is also crucial. This is when you’ll meet with your doctor, discuss your medical history and lifestyle, and have some routine tests done.


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