Enjoy Your Favorite Foods Again – Find Out More About Dental Implants

Teeth can be missing for several reasons. In some cases, adult teeth do not grow after the baby teeth fall out. More commonly, injury causes a tooth to chip or break, which may not be fixable. Diseases such as periodontitis or tooth decay can also result in missing teeth.

Either way, it can be embarrassing because it affects your appearance. It also may make eating foods difficult, depending on which teeth are missing. You might be wondering if there is anything you can do if the tooth in question cannot be saved.

Fortunately, there is an option to replace missing teeth, also known as dental implants. Read on to learn more about them and see why they may be right for you.

A Brief Overview of Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically implanted in your jawbone, beneath your gums. They act as the tooth root. Then the replacement tooth or bridge is mounted on top of the implant, which secures it in place.

Think of it as more of a prosthesis rather than a false tooth. The implant allows for any attachment, whether a crown, bridge, or complete denture. Replacing missing teeth is a process that is worthwhile and should stand the test of time if you have good oral hygiene and take care of your mouth. It’s also essential that you have a jawbone to support the implant and healthy gums.

A Permanent Solution That Won’t Affect Other Teeth

Dental implants are not the only option to replace missing teeth, but it is the most preferable because it is a permanent solution that won’t require additional work later in life. It also does not affect your other teeth.

Temporary bridges can address the issue, but your adjacent teeth are cut to support its installation, and they must be replaced every 5 to 10 years. Partial dentures are another option, but unfortunately, they weaken over time and have a 30% failure rate, relying on other teeth to keep them in place.

Quick Procedural Rundown

You might be wondering what to expect if you opt to replace missing teeth with dental implants. Once it’s determined that you’re a good candidate, a small incision is made in the gum during the procedure, and the implant is situated with drills before stitching it shut. After being there for a few months, the replacement tooth is installed, which completes the procedure.

There are various forms of anesthesia, depending on what you need. The right office will have local anesthetic up to full sedation.

Once you’ve fully recovered, all you must do is take care of your teeth and get regular dental checkups.

Dental Implants Help You Return to Normal Life

If you’ve got broken teeth, and it isn’t possible to repair them, you owe yourself to consider dental implants. It’s a permanent solution that makes it easier to live your life by eating your favorite foods and flashing your smile.

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