Eight Tips To Take Care Of Your Oily Skin

It’s no secret that all human skin produces oil. While sebum helps to protect and moisturise your skin, some skins tend to secrete more oil than others, which can lead to clogged pores, blackheads and acne.

There are many reasons for increased sebum production, including genetics, humidity, stress and hormone changes, making it challenging to manage oily skin. However, oily skin is not about getting rid of the oil entirely, but about maintaining skin balance and finding the right skincare routine that works for you without overdrying your skin. Here are eight tips to help control your oily skin.

Cleanse Daily

One of the most vital steps of any skincare regimen is cleansing your skin. While it might seem like your skin is still clean from last night, during the sleep, your skin is busy removing skin cells and producing oils. That is why it is recommended that you wash your face with a good cleanser two times throughout a day (in the morning and in the evening) to get rid of any pollutants, bacteria and oils that make your face greasy. The only time you have to wash your face more than two times a day is if you have been perspiring, for example, after an intense exercise.

Also, make sure to wash with warm water and products that are free from fragrances, harsh chemicals or added moisturisers, which can irritate or dry out the skin, causing it to create more sebum. Additionally, try to avoid loofahs and coarse washcloths that create added friction and can stimulate the skin to produce more oil.

Use A Toner

As soon as your skin is free from make-up and clean from dirt and oil, apply a toner to restore pH balance, calm blackheads and breakouts, exfoliate away dead cells and remove excess oil. The best exfoliating toner ingredients for oily skin are salicylic acid, glycolic acid and lactic acid.

Apply Moisturisers

When you have excessively oily skin, the thought of applying more moisture sounds like a joke, but it is still essential to apply moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated. In fact, moisturising is a very important step for all skin types, but people with oily skin should be more careful when buying a moisturiser.

Look for a lightweight, oil-free and water-based moisturiser that can help to keep your skin moist and protected, without leaving it feeling greasy.

Exfoliate Your Skin Once A Week

Oily skin can have a thick layer of dead skin cells that build up on the surface, causing oil overproduction and breakouts. Exfoliating is the key to balancing out oily skin as it helps to prevent the clogging of pores and promotes cell renewal. It is also a great method to make your moisturisers and oils more effective and prevent future breakouts.

While many individuals prefer to use an oil-free scrub specially designed for oily skin, try to be careful and gentle when applying it to your face to avoid irritating your skin. A good exfoliant should be made from natural, delicate components without microbeads.  Now, if you are looking for proven effective spa products, why not look here?

Make Facial Masks

A good idea also to apply a facial mask at least once a week to help treat your oily skin. Whether you like to make a DIY facial mask or simply purchase ready-made options, using a face mask is not only a great way to relax at the end of a busy day, but it also can help to get rid of dirt, the buildup of impurities and oils as well as decreased the look of shine.

Make sure to choose masks that contain beneficial ingredients like clay to provide deep cleansing and soak up excess oil, honey and shea butter to reduce acne, soothe the skin and prevent it from drying out or oatmeal to cleanse the skin and relieve irritated skin.

Try Out CBD Cream

The main component of such topicals – CBD (also known as cannabidiol) can help to reduce different types of acne and diminish excessive oiliness due to its ability to regulate the process of sebum production in the body.

Cannabidiol is thought to interact with various receptors of the endocannabinoid system that is located throughout the body and helps to bring a balance to the crucial bodily functions such as sleep, inflammation, memory, stress, etc. It also possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties, which can help to reduce inflammation, soothe the skin and relieve breakouts, particularly acne-related redness.

While many people prefer to take oral tinctures or CBD capsules, you can also apply different topicals like CBD cream, lotion or ointment to provide relief and help control oily sebum.  You can also consider high quality cbd gummies as well.

Don’t Forget About Sunscreen

Make sure to use sunscreen while being outdoors to prevent sun damage that can cause age spots, wrinkles and even skin cancer. Consider using sunscreens that are at least SPF 30 and don’t contain fragrance or oils or simply apply a daily moisturiser with sunscreen in it to keep you safe. However, look for sunblocks with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide in the composition to help prevent acne breakouts.

Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Alcohol, junk and spicy foods might be something you enjoy doing on the weekends, but if you want to reduce the oiliness of your skin, that it might the time to refrain from their overconsumption. The main reason for that is alcohol, and spicy foods can dilate your blood vessels and make you sweat, which in turn can lead to oily or acne-prone skin. Try to enjoy them in moderation throughout the week.

Also, try to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables like melons, carrots and spinach that are loaded with vitamin A and can help to slow down the production of skin oil.

Finally, make sure to maintain regular physical activity to increase blood flow, detoxify your body and aid in nourishing your skin cells. Drinking a lot of water (five to six glasses) during a day can also help flush out harmful toxins from your body and decrease the oily appearance of the skin.


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