Dental Veneers – The Ideal Teeth Enhancement Procedure

Teeth veneers Melbourne are a popular restorative technique that can be used for cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement. Here’s a guide to the basics of teeth veneers and their benefits.

Veneers are often confused with crowns. While there is some overlap in treatment between both, they are different in a few crucial ways. First, crowns cover the entire tooth surface, whereas veneers typically cover only the front surfaces. Second, veneers resist more biting force than a crown because they have less bulk and can be made from various materials, including ceramic or composites or porcelain.

Check out monroe dental office for more information.

As mentioned earlier, veneers are primarily used to improve the appearance of a tooth. A crown would be chosen over a veneer if the damage were too far advanced or if there was not enough tooth left for even a small veneer. According to an orthodontist in Washington DC, veneers are typically used in cases where someone has broken, worn down, discoloured, or misshapen teeth.

Veneers are also used for functional reasons. Some patients have teeth that keep them from closing their mouth all the way, or they may find themselves clenching or grinding their teeth (bruxism) at night, which can cause premature wear of the tooth enamel. If this condition is not corrected, the tooth may need to be capped with a crown for the patient to continue enjoying their favourite foods.

To get dental veneers, the dentist will begin by taking an impression of your teeth using putty-like material that they can later send to a lab for custom fabrication. Typically, they will use the impression to create temporary veneers that you can wear until your permanent custom veneers are ready.

Once your custom veneers have come in, the dentist will prepare your teeth by removing about .5mm of tooth enamel on each side of the tooth. This is done with a dental drill and is virtually painless for most people. Once the tooth has been prepared, the dentist will bond your custom veneer directly to the front of your tooth, and you will be good to go.

Veneers tend to last about nine years before they need replacement. However, this may vary depending on the quality of the patient’s veneer and oral hygiene practices. There are also tooth whitening procedures that may be used to extend the life of your teeth veneers by removing some of the stains that accumulate on them over time.

Benefits of Teeth Veneers

  • Well-cared for teeth veneers will last as long as 9 years before needing replacement.
  • Teeth veneers are fragile and resistant to staining.
  • A veneer can be made from composite or porcelain material, giving the patient a variety of look and feel options.
  • Veneers can make teeth appear straighter and whiter. They protect the underlying tooth structure from further damage and staining.
  • Veneers resist more biting force than a crown because they have less bulk and can be made from various materials.

Who Teeth Veneers Are For?

Teeth veneers are for patients who have:

  • broken, worn down, discoloured, or misshapen teeth.
  • bruxism at night.
  • Difficulties in keeping the mouth closed



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