Can You Pursue an Oilfield Accident Claim After Sustaining Burns on the Job?

People who work in oil fields are at a high risk of sustaining injuries or dying on the job. Despite improvement in equipment and machinery as well as the implementation of safety measures, these workers can still become seriously injured. A lot of oil field accidents can lead to serious burns, which lead to long-term medical care and permanent disfigurement. 

Due to workers’ constant exposure to flammable chemicals and gas, companies should test their equipment and have safety guidelines in place. However, a lot of these companies choose to cut corners and do not conduct machinery testing and repairs to save money. If you have sustained burn injuries after being involved in an oil field accident because of negligence, an Oilfield accident lawyer can aggressively handle your case. They will help you recover the monetary compensation you are entitled to. 

How Oil Field Burns Happen

Oil well fires can happen due to pressure buildup, natural gas leaks, or equipment sparks. Available conditions that result in an accident include equipment failure, negligence, unsafe drilling procedures, equipment and machinery defects, as well as non-standard industry practices. A lot of oil wells can be prevented. If drilling procedures and proper maintenance are implemented, accidents are reduced. 

Kinds of Burn Injuries in Oilfield Accidents

Burns sustained in an oilfield accident can result in chronic pain and disfigurement when not treated promptly and properly. The following are common kinds of burn injuries you may sustain in an oilfield accident:

  • Chemical burns. Oilfield workers who come into contact with chemicals used for oil drilling are at risk of sustaining burns. These chemicals are strong enough to seep through clothes and damage the skin. 
  • Electrical burns. Oilfield workers who operate heavy machineries like pumps, generators, circuit breakers, and switches can sustain burns. Electrocution can happen when a part shorts our or malfunctions.
  • Flash burns. These burns can occur quickly and lead to first-degree burns that impact the skin’s o outer layer. 
  • Contact burns. These are burns sustained after the skin comes into contact with molten metal, hot surfaces, or steam.

Getting Compensated for Disfigurement

A burn injury can lead to disfigurement, which negatively affects your self-confidence. Although you may be able to recover from this injury through plastic surgery, the trauma can be hard to heal from.

Burns can leave permanent skin scars, depending on the seriousness. Also, they can decrease your range of motion and ability to take part in physical activities. In addition, burns can cause disfigurement that can make it hard for you to eat, speak, drink, or maintain proper hygiene. 

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