Benefits of Sleeping with An Air Humidifier During Dry Winter Months

Dry winter comes with a lot of challenges, particularly for your body. Dry skin, cracked lips, runny noses, and scratchy throats are just a few of the health issues that can kick in when you switch on your home’s heating system for the season. The response to winter months cold is heating being used indoors. Sadly, this faux heat greatly intensifies nasal system and passages and the face dries out. However, instead of turning off the heat or resigning yourself to living in an igloo, an air humidifier can be a great compromise.

A humidifier might seem expensive and unnecessary, but the device might be the exact thing you need to reverse some of the most common health issues. And the best thing is that you don’t have to worry about clocking in the humidifier during the day. You only need to have one in your bedroom.

Here are some health benefits of sleeping with a humidifier.

Alleviate asthma symptoms

Dry air can cause lung inflammation and result in constriction, worsening asthma symptoms, and in some instances, can trigger an attack. On the other hand, a little moist air relaxes the lungs and is much easier to breathe.

However, your indoor humidity levels must remain just right. Indoor humidity in your house should stay between 30% to 50%. Anything more than that can have the same effects as dry air and dry out your airways. In addition, too humid air can trap allergens such as dust, pollen, or dust mites, which may worsen asthma.

You can use a hygrometer to keep track of the humidity levels in your bedroom. The general rule of thumb is that when you see droplets forming, it’s a sign to turn off the dial.

Easier breathing throughout the night

Breathing can be quite unpleasant without a bit of humidity in the air.

There is nothing more irritating than getting all cuddled up in bed only to fight the discomfort of breathing in the dry, cold air as you drift off to sleep. Dry air may result in an itchy and irritated throat, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Furthermore, dry air can dry out your sinuses and increase mucus production, which is no fun for anyone.

However, breathing can be much easier with more moisture in the air provided by a humidifier. The right balance of humidity can help keep your throat and nasal cavity pleasantly moist, allowing you to fall asleep without any discomfort as you breathe.

Prevent respiratory infections

Along with runny noses, dry air can make you more susceptible to sinusitis, bronchitis, or even influenza. However, using a humidifier in your house can help keep your nasal passages moist and ready to trap and expel dangerous bacteria and viruses. In turn, this reduces the risk of illness during the dry winter months.

A humidifier is an extremely useful device, especially in the dry winter season. It prevents illness and helps your hair look better. In addition, everlasting comfort humidifiers can help you save money on heating bills and electronics that could have been damaged by static. Investing in a quality humidifier is an investment in protecting your loved ones and the things you own.


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