Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: Hype or Hit?

Apple cider vinegar has been touted as a miracle cure for everything from acne to allergies, but it’s really only helpful if you actually need an acidity regulator. If you don’t, then the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar will likely cause more harm than good by damaging your teeth and gums. But back to those gummies.

There are two variations on these: one containing the natural sugar found in apples (and honey) and another artificially sweetened with xylitol or stevia. While both versions seem relatively safe, it’s important to note that the FDA does not regulate them like other pharmaceuticals are, which means there could be unknown side effects associated with consuming them regularly.

Apple cider vinegar gummies: Do they have benefits?

In recent years, Apple cider vinegar wellness products have become a bit of a phenomenon, with many people believing that they can provide numerous health benefits for individuals who consume them regularly. Is there any truth to this claim? We’ll discuss some preliminary evidence on apple cider vinegar, including its potential effects on blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels, as well as its use as an appetizer or weight loss aid.

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples into juice, which is allowed to ferment and mature over time (for example, through alcohol fermentation). The final product contains acetic acid – this gives it a strong flavor and sour taste; – Research suggests that consuming small amounts of raw ACV may help lower blood sugar levels, while larger doses may have the opposite effect.

ACV consumption has also been shown to reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with high cholesterol or type-two diabetes;

Some evidence suggests that apple cider vinegar can help weight loss by increasing satiety after eating or reducing overall calorie intake when taken before a meal. On the other hand, one study found that consuming it on an empty stomach resulted in lower feelings of fullness following meals overall.

ACV gummies are less effective than the traditional liquid

Unfortunately, though ACV is safe when taken in small amounts, it is unclear whether gummies are an effective method of taking this product. ACV contains high levels of acetic acid, which can damage the enamel on teeth and cause cavities. Gummies tend to be less acidic than apple cider vinegar drinks but not significantly.

ACV supplements contain significantly higher ACV concentrations than what most people would normally eat or drink each day with traditional foods like salad dressings. As a result, these products may have side effects that you don’t typically see from eating/drinking small amounts of raw apple cider vinegar over time.


Apple cider vinegar may benefit your health, but if you want the most bang for your buck in terms of taking care of yourself and feeling better, I will skip these gummies. The taste is not great (and who knows how much sugar was used), there are no studies that show this supplement has any real benefit, but apple cider vinegar can be beneficial with other things like cooking or drinking. If you’re looking for a DIY remedy, look elsewhere.

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