Acne Scars: Types & Scar Treatments – Preventing Acne Scars

Acne scars are acne blemishes that leave marks or depressions on the skin. They can cause significant distress to acne sufferers, particularly those who want to wear their hair up or wear makeup. Acne marks removal treatments range from topical creams and gels to surgery and laser treatment, depending on the type of acne scar.

We’ll review all of these acne scar types in this article so you can decide which acne treatment is best for your needs!

Types of Acne Scars

Acne scars happen to a lot of people, especially if they are not fully aware of how to take care of their skin. There are four types of acne scars:

Ice Pick Acne Scars

These are the deepest type of acne scars, and they appear as deep pits in the skin. They can be felt more than seen on the surface. Ice pick acne scars are the most challenging acne scar to treat. This is because they are the acne scars that have gone through several layers of skin. However, they can still be treated with acne scar removal treatments to reduce their appearance for better self-esteem.

Rolling Acne Scars

These acne scars make a wave pattern across the skin, and they can be either shallow or deep. They tend to look like acne marks when not aggravated by any other factors such as touching or picking at them during an acne breakout. Rolling acne scars typically take more than one treatment session for best results.

Boxcar Acne Scarring

This type of acne scar is very common and looks almost like chickenpox pockmarks on the surface of your skin. Boxcars may also show up in clusters which gives it its name – boxcar cluster acne scarring. Depending on how severe your case is, rolling treatments might work well for this kind of acne scarring. And acne scars can be reduced with acne scar removal treatment sessions.

Keloid Acne Scarring

This acne scar is actually an acne burn that takes place when the acne infection goes deep underneath your skin. Keloids are much more severe acne scars that need to be treated by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon specializing in acne scar removal treatments. It can take several months for the keloid acne scars to go away completely, depending on the severity and size of each individual acne scar.

Acne Scar Removal Treatments

Thankfully, acne scars can be reduced with acne scar removal treatments. If you want a fast and reliable acne scar treatment, then you should opt for medical treatments. But, if you’re only dealing with mild scars or marks, then there are natural remedies that can lessen the appearance of such blemishes.


Dermatologists or other acne specialists typically do medical acne scar removal treatments. These acne scars can be removed with lasers or Chemical Peels in Dallas that will heat up the skin and destroy the acne blemish, which is why you should only opt for this type of acne treatment if your acne really warrants it. It’s best to go through medical acne scar removal treatments when dealing with deep-rooted pockmarks on your face because these are harder to treat at home using natural remedies.

  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing: this acne treatment is the gold standard of acne scar removal because it works on most types of acne scars and improves skin texture as well, making your skin look smoother and more flawless after several sessions.
  • Dermabrasion: another form of acne scar reduction that involves removing top layers to make room for new cell growth by sanding down the surface layer through a handheld device or laser machine, which blasts away at your pimple marks until they become smooth like a baby’s bottom!
  • Chemical Peels: These work by dissolving dead cells from the outermost layer, so they peel off naturally within days. A dermatologist or doctor best does this acne scar treatment to make sure your acne scars are treated properly.

Natural Remedies

For milder cases of acne marks or scars, some very effective natural remedies may work well enough for you without having to spend much money or time in a doctor’s office.

For instance, applying an ice pack every now and then over acne scars can reduce redness and swelling so the acne scar marks won’t be as visible to others. Next, you should apply a natural acne cream with salicylic acid or glycolic acid several times a day until your acne clears up to get rid of acne scars faster because both ingredients effectively exfoliate dead skin cells that could inhibit new cell growth for an improved complexion.

Lastly, try using aloe vera gel on your face every night before going to sleep – it reduces inflammation which helps lessen acne scarring over time!

Acne Scar Prevention Tips

While acne scar removal treatments work well enough to reduce acne scars and marks, there are other things you can perform at home to prevent acne scars from taking over your face.

First off, use acne control products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid because these ingredients help prevent acne by reducing the amount of acne-causing bacteria on your skin surface. Next, stop touching your pimples because this could spread harmful germs onto other areas of the face, creating more blemishes in a never-ending cycle!

Lastly, make sure you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables – it’s important for proper nourishment, so try adding some leafy greens into every meal as much as possible.

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