8 tips for proper and painless dog nail cutting

It might seem not all that difficult from aside but those people who know how to properly cut a dog’s nail can easily find work at a beauty parlour for 4-legged customers-only. Believe us when we say that a clean, smooth and painless dog nail cutting is not all that simple, but nonetheless – doable. All you have and should worry about is preparing the work environment and being comfortable as well as letting the pup feel as good as it is possible in that situation. By balancing your comfort with that of your pet, you can begin and try to properly cut his or hers nails. Here to help you out, we have 8 useful tips.

Select the right tool

Not everyone can use the clippers. If you have a tremor, Parkinson’s or just shaky-hands in general, it’s better to use a nail grinder. With that being said, a nail grinder for a dog is always superior to the clippers. So, what you need to do is to think about your own strengths and weaknesses to pick the right tools for your job.

Prepare a suitable working environment

If you’re struggling to cut the nails, if you’re doing it the first time or if you just wish to improve, look at it like it’s a job. By doing so, anyone can better their results and reduce the risk of making a mistake. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself and rather just think about bringing a professional attitude into the process.

So, what we recommend is having enough room, proper lighting and, if you’re using a grinder, get some protection for your face, mouth and eyes. Some tools have that built-in.

Give your pet some time to adjust & relax

If you’re using an electric device, like a trimmer or a grinder – or anything else that is or will be making noise and vibrations, it should be said that you must give time for your pet to get used to that device and the sounds that it makes. Most dogs need at least 5-10 minutes to familiarise themselves and to stop being anxious. If you don’t give them that time, prepare to be in a heap of trouble and to hear whining, feeling trembling and seeing other indications of anxiety.

Get help if it’s too difficult

Yes, nail trimming can be difficult and overwhelming. Don’t for a second think that it is bad or wrong to ask for someone’s help. If there’s another person in the home or if you have a friend, neighbour, colleague or anyone else that is more experienced in this matter – don’t even for a second hesitate to ask them to help out. Many times, all you need is for someone to shine a light, hold your pup in place or hand you something. It’s really not that big of a deal.

Don’t do something you don’t know

Do you know, for example, how to cut a dog’s nails that are black? Properly, that is. Click on the highlighted text to read a helpful guide but in reality, if you don’t know something in this niche, better avoid it altogether. Unless you are trying to learn and use a grinder or do a very simple task like smoothening out the nails, read a guide or ask for information first. If you don’t do it and jump into the task head-first, you can hurt the pet by cutting into the nerve or paw.

Reward the pup with a treat

If you didn’t know by now, rewarding the dog with a treat after completing a gruelling task is a must. Make sure the treat is a rarely given or very delicious example so that they know that next time nail trimming needs to be done, they better behave if they want that goodie.

Be smooth and don’t make any abrupt movements

When you are cutting the nails, you should be as concentrated as possible. Make sure to measure before you cut. It’s also better to cut less of the nail and cut more times rather than try and cut it altogether. Grinding eliminates this problem but try and get in a comfortable position. Don’t squeeze, push, knock, yell at or suddenly do something to your dog. Act smoothly and move with less urgency than usually.

If it gets too hard, divide the task into a few smaller objectives

If the nails are already overgrown or if you’re having a hard time making your pooch collaborate – don’t do it all at once. Trim one or two paws at a time. Let yourself rest to have high awareness when trimming again.

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