8 Fun Cake Designs for Bucks Party

Part of having an awesome bucks party is creating a ton of fun memories. Having a uniquely designed cake will bring your party up to another level and ensure that he always remembers his special night out. If you’re lacking in the cake design ideas department, here are eight fun cake designs that will be sure to please.

The Old Ball And Chain

Most of us are familiar with the expression of ‘the old ball and chain’ that refers to our significant other. One great way to give everyone a chuckle is to have a cake that is designed with a ball with a chain attached to it. If you really want to kick it up a notch, write a slogan on it. Some great ones include ‘property of (fiancé)’ and ‘shackled for life’. Once you start researching slogan ideas, we’re sure you’ll find even funnier ones that will be sure to make him laugh.

Mustache / Beard

If the buck is one of those guys who constantly trims his mustache or beard, make a joke of it. Design a cake that is covered with mustaches and beards. It’s best to use black, brown, and tan icing to create these features on a solid-colored cake. You should really try to avoid making them look too realistic as that can turn the stomach. Just stick to the silhouette style of decorating for this cake decorating idea, and you’ll be fine.

Classy Dress

If your buddy has insisted on a formal gathering, it’s likely that he enjoys being dressed up. When you schedule your Bucks Party Brisbane, you can impress him with a classy dressed cake. Consider having a top hat, bow tie, and boutonniere on the cake. If you really want to let your creativity shine, considering designing a cake that is dressed in a tux.

Hunting Cake

If the buck that you’re planning a party for is really into outdoor activities like hunting and fishing, consider designing him a hunting cake. A camo cake can be a bit difficult to make. But it sure will be awesome to look at. Don’t hesitate to include some cake toppers to make it look even more unique. Adding a slogan like ‘The Hunt Is Over’ will bring your bucks cake to a whole other level.

Buck Antlers

There’s nothing funnier than giving the buck a buck-themed cake. You can really get creative with this one. A set of large antlers will do. Or, you opt for including a bunch of smaller ones. The cake itself can be a solid color, a camo mix, or anything in between.

Full Beer

If you’re really feeling creative, then consider a full beer cake. These can be constructed in many different ways. The most popular is a cake that is made in the shape of a beer glass. Then, use an empty can of his favorite beer as a topper. You’ll blow his mind by attaching the beer can to the cake via a stick covered by icing.

Recreate A Funny Memory

When you spend enough time around people, you tend to create a lot of funny memories. Pick one of those memories and recreate it on the bucks party cake. This is a little more intricate than other designs, but totally worth it when everyone cracks up from the memory they recall.


The last fun cake design that we’re going to share for your next bucks party is a female. This design can include the chest, leg, buttocks, or anywhere in between. This type of cake is a popular favorite of many as it always provides some entertainment for the party. And, he’ll be sure not to forget this unique style of cake.

Having a great bucks party means having an awesome cake that your buddy will remember for a long-time. The above are eight great fun cake ideas that he’ll be sure to enjoy. Once you start looking at photos of these ideas, we’re sure that you’ll come up with many more. Just be sure that you take the time to think about the interests of your body. Try to pick a topic that fits him and makes him feel like you really know him well. 

Author’s Bio: Matt McGrath is an avid traveler and a prominent writer in the blogging community. He has been to more than 50 countries. While he loves discovering new cultures and adventures, he is also passionate about sharing practical tips to his followers. If you love to travel and adventure, we recommend that you read and follow all his articles! More about him on his website – http://mattmcgrath.me/           

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