5 Tips To Help You Recover From Rock Climbing

When you first start climbing, it can feel like you’re constantly in pain and do not forget to buy a top rope anchor. Hands raw, fingers tender, arms and shoulders aching, knees creaky — the list goes on. That’s because rock climbing is a high-intensity activity that places an unusual strain on your body. It also takes time to build the strength and stamina needed to get past that initial learning curve.

Even so, once you’ve gotten over that initial hump and started to see real progress in your climbing ability, an injury can make you hit a pause on your training for weeks or even months at a time.

Alex Puccio Advice: How to Recover From Rock Climbing With

The good news is that with the right recovery methods after climbing, you can come back stronger and faster than before. Here are five tips from Alex Puccio to help you recover from rock climbing.

Drink Lots Of Fluids

Protein synthesis is the process by which muscles rebuild themselves as a result of workouts. Muscles must be well-hydrated for this synthesis to take place. Hydrating after exercise is, therefore, imperative. You should drink 8 ounces of water every hour or two to stay hydrated.

Make Sure You Eat A Healthy Diet

Eat a healthy meal after rock climbing to help your body recover. A healthy diet should include lean protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Sugary snacks or processed foods can hinder your recovery.

Sleep Enough

Make sure you get enough sleep to recover. The average person needs eight hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble falling asleep after rock climbing, take a warm bath. Besides quantity, quality of sleep is also important. Awakening in the middle of the night impairs your body’s ability to recover. Improve your sleep quality by implementing a few of these tips.

  • Darken your bedroom with blackout curtains.
  • Avoid exercising in the evening. If you exercise, your heart rate will increase.
  • Avoid taking a drink 45 minutes before bed to prevent mid-sleep potty interruptions.
  • Avoid eating sugar two hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid looking at screens for an hour before bed.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can reduce the amount of hydration in muscles, which may decrease protein synthesis. If you drink alcohol after working out, your muscles will not function optimally for up to five days.

However, if you adhere to standard recovery practices, such as rehydrating after exercise and eating a meal high in carbohydrates and protein, you should be able to enjoy a moderate amount of alcohol afterward.

Low-Intensity Cardio

Low-intensity cardio boosts blood flow to your injured muscles, hastening their recovery by providing them with the necessary nutrients. You should exercise for 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week. Examples of easy activities you can engage in include hiking, easy cycling, and easy running. You should always keep your heart rate under 60% of your maximum.


Rock climbing is a strenuous activity that can wear down your body. You’ll recuperate more quickly if you follow these suggestions by Alex Puccio, allowing you to return to the wall and resume your training.






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