5 Benefits of a Ceramic Planter

Look around you. Most of the items in your home will most possibly be out of something breakable yet beautiful. Porcelain, glass, cement, bricks, and even graphite are just some of the materials that make up your ceramics collection. But while your tiles and glass ornaments are normally made out of non-metallic solids, there is one item that is often overlooked and taken for granted.

Planting pots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, especially now that home-based gardening is taking the world by storm. Most of these planters for trees come from easily formed clay that is air-dried and glazed. They are moulded at high kiln temperatures to achieve the proper shape. A couple of years back, these plant-holders were expensive. However, there are a lot of affordable planters nowadays – the common ones being large bowls. Most plant enthusiasts prefer a ceramic planter due to the following reasons.

More designs to choose from

Houseplants are not created equal. Some are small (aloe, anthurium, herbs, etc.), and some grow tall (snake plant, dracaena, ficus, etc.) You can choose from a wide array of designs, sizes, colours, and shapes, depending on what you will plant in it. Most pots are curved, so they are already visually appealing. And it will inevitably become a conversation piece amongst your family and friends whenever they visit.

Provides sufficient air and moisture to plants 

Most planters made out of ceramic are porous. Even when they are glazed, they assist air and humidity in flowing through plants whenever necessary. The pot can then better facilitate the essential plant nutrients to course through the whole plants, including the roots. It also traps moisture and fertiliser (if any) in the soil for a healthier plant environment.

More durable and more substantial than plastic pots

There are two ways that top-heavy plants will benefit from containers made out of ceramics. First, if there is a strong gale, it can protect your plant from a bad tumble. Second, a heavy-duty planter grows with the plant by carrying its whole weight. So for as long as it is planted in a durable and heavy ceramic planter, it will not topple over.

Protects plants from sudden temperature drops

Did you know that ceramic planters are very functional and eco-friendly? They do not seem to be so due to their intricate and beautiful appearance. But most pots have thick walls, and there is a reason for it other than mere durability and stability. The planter shields the houseplant from sudden changes in temperature. During the hot summertime, it protects your greens from excessive heat absorption. It also traps moisture within the soil on hot days, so plant maintenance is not a hassle as most non-plant people think.

For indoor or outdoor use (Waterproof pots – especially the glazed ones)

Since there are numerous designs and colours to choose from, you can opt to station your plants indoors or outdoors. Most of these planters are already waterproof. So if the time comes that you need to bring your other plants in the house, you can do so since your watering will not leave a big mess.

Planting your greens is rapidly becoming a new norm in this generation. Protect and lengthen the life spans of your herbs, houseplants, and succulents by homing them in a ceramic planter.

Author bio: Helen Harry is a freelance writer and a GOT fan. Apart from writing Technologies, she likes to read & write fiction. More than anything, she loves to spend her time with her family, explaining technologies to the elders.

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