The Wizard of Oz and the Amazing Technicolor Process

The Wizard of Oz and the Amazing Technicolor Process

Of all of the wonderful elements that made The Wizard of Oz shine, one of the most memorable is its clever use of color. While the 1939 film was not the first to be shot in color, its bright production design and saturated palette made it stand out. So why did the … Read more

The Wizard of Oz Promotion Machine: MGM’s Media Promotion Tornado

The Wizard of Oz Promotion Machine: MGM’s Media Promotion Tornado

Months before The Wizard of Oz was to be released in Los Angeles, MGM began a massive promotional campaign. Having spent over $3 million creating the film, MGM instituted a well-timed, comprehensive publicity plan to assure its success. In a pre-television era, where newspapers and magazines were the major advertising and promotional … Read more