What Were Theodore Roosevelt’s Sleeping Habits?

Most people have heard about the life of Theodore Roosevelt, the former president of the United States of America. He was known for his ambition and hard work and led a full life. But, what about his sleeping habits? It turns out, he had a very particular set of sleep habits, and … Read more

The Negative Side Of Theodore Roosevelt

A portrait of Theodore Roosevelt by John Singer Sargent

From what the world knew about the 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt, he is a progressive leader and conservative enthusiast that contributed a lot to the developments of the United States that the modern world aspires and enjoys today. Roosevelt is also responsible for some of the major decisions that changed the … Read more

Theodore Roosevelt Policy

Theodore Roosevelt Policy

For Theodore Roosevelt, policies were the lifeblood of presidency. Although the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt weren’t always met with overwhelming approval, he knew it was important to secure a place for America in the global community. With a focus on domestic policies such as conservation and progressive reform, he was also … Read more

Teddy Roosevelt As A Child

Teddy Roosevelt As A Child

Theodore Roosevelt’s childhood was one of contradiction: he was born into a family of privilege, suffered through significant physical ailments, and embarked on a years-long mission of discovery. Unfortunately, the early life of Theodore Roosevelt was filled with illness. As a young boy, he was diagnosed with asthma, which seemed to strike … Read more

Roosevelt Peace Prize

Theodore Roosevelt

As the 1906 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Theodore Roosevelt gained the distinction of being the first American ever to win the award. His exhaustive efforts to enable peaceful negotiations – and, eventually, a truce – led the Russians and Japanese to end their conflict in 1905. He did not formally … Read more

The Roosevelt Life

Theodore Roosevelt

The life of Theodore Roosevelt was filled with family, books, nature, military, politics, and hard work. From his early childhood in a privileged family, through his two terms as president, to his death at the age of 60, Teddy never held still for very long. Always ready with a toothy grin and … Read more