Personality of Chester Arthur

Portrait of Chester Arthur

Chester Alan Arthur served as the twenty-first president of the United States of America, who displayed a sturdy built, and handsome figure. He stood six feet and two inches with a chubby round face, high forehead, black eyes, and fleshy nose. Remembered with his side-whiskers and mustache, which became his most distinctive … Read more

Personality of Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant

Hiram Ulysses Grant stood five feet and seven inches tall and slightly muscular. He entered West Point as he was just five feet and one inch, which is an inch above the academy’s minimum height requirement and grew six inches by his graduation. Ulysses possessed soft blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and … Read more

Personality of Franklin Pierce

Personality of Franklin Pierce

Franklin Pierce was considered the most handsome president standing five feet and ten inches, with gray eyes and thin lips. His distinct appearance was his curly dark hair combed slant over his forehead. He tends to be energetic, action-oriented, and loved to be the center of attention. His likeliest personality was a … Read more

Personality of John Tyler

Personality of John Tyler

As tenth president of the United States of America, John Tyler is described as a six-foot-tall man with blue eyes, wavy brown hair, big ears, and lips as well as a protruding forehead. He had frail health throughout his life. He was susceptible to cold and diarrhea. His administration was known to … Read more

Personality of Millard Fillmore

Personality of Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore, as a person, was open-minded. He approached life, new experiences, and people with warmth. His ability to stay in the moment helped him uncover his exhilarating potentials. Considering the poverty and struggles he endured growing up, he used his choices and actions to push his limits and connect with people … Read more

Personality of James K. Polk

Childhood and Career of James K Polk

James Knox Polk served as the eleventh president of the United States of America and displayed characteristics that many admired. Remembered as a short, thin, angular man with brushed back hair, James Polk was the man who made the “Manifest Destiny,” wherein the United States was believed to expand from the Atlantic … Read more

Personalities of Zachary Taylor

Personalities of Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor was a war hero turned politician as the outcome of the Mexican-American War. He grew up in the frontier of Kentucky from a family of farmers and slaveholders. He had rich military and combat experience, which gave him a better perspective of the nation’s needs. He had an individualistic mindset, … Read more

Personality of Andrew Jackson

Personality of Andrew Jackson

Introduction  Andrew Jackson, born on March 15, 1767, became the seventh president of the United States. As the Man of the People, he was a lean man who stood six feet and an inch with red hair and piercing blue eyes.  This article will describe how his red hair says a lot … Read more

Personality of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln Portrait

Introduction Abraham Lincoln stood six feet, four inches. Grew up as a farm boy, adept in using an ax without sophistication nor stable education in his formative years, became the sixteenth president of the United States of America and was hailed as the man who freed the slaves. What made him an … Read more

The Personality of James Monroe

Portrait of James Monroe

Introduction James Monroe was about six feet tall with blue-gray eyes and dark wavy hair. He was known to possess a warm personality, which made people at ease in his presence. Some even thought that he looked like George Washington when he was young. James became the fifth president of the United … Read more