Essential Things You Need to Know About Diastasis Recti Repair and Exercise Programs

Pregnancy leads to a lot of changes in the body. These changes can range from common things, such as retention of fluid and darkening of armpits, to less frequent ones such as a change in muscle and connective tissue integrity.

Diastasis recti is a condition wherein muscles, and connective tissue is compromised. It becomes an issue when it causes dysfunction and health disorders in postnatal women. If you have experienced diastasis recti and are looking for solutions, you have come to the right place.

Below are some essential things you need to know about diastasis recti repair and exercise programs.

What is Diastasis Recti?

According to an article by Web MD, as the baby grows larger inside the belly during pregnancy, pressure increases in the abdomen. Due to the rise in pressure, the abdominal muscles called the “rectus abdominis” may separate, a process called “diastasis.” This is why diastasis recti is also known as “abdominal muscle separation.”

The condition may lead to lower back pain, episodes of constipation, and urinary incontinence. It may also lead to respiratory problems, causing difficulty and shortness of breathing. In extreme conditions, tears may occur that lead to internal organs poking out of body cavities; a health risk called a hernia.

Do I Need Surgery for Diastasis Recti?

One of the most common treatments for muscle and connective tissue injury is surgery. However, surgery as a method for abdominal separation may not always be the best choice.

According to an article by Family Friendly, surgical repair for diastasis recti involves the stitching of abdominal muscles back in the midline to fix the separation. However, surgery does little help in strengthening your core muscles, which could lead to your next pregnancy’s reduced muscle function. Fortunately, physical therapy and exercise programs provide a solution.

Exercise Programs

Most experts agree that exercises for diastasis recti programs can drastically improve abdominal separation. With proven workouts and programs designed specifically for diastasis recti, your body will undoubtedly heal, and your core strength will return in no time. This is why physical therapy and therapeutic exercise is the best choice for diastasis recti repair.

How do I Start?

Before starting with any exercise program or physical rehabilitation, it is of the utmost importance that you consult with your doctor regarding an exercise regimen. This is because not all programs will do you right and may further aggravate your existing condition.

The best thing you could do is search for an exercise program endorsed by obstetricians, effective, and safe for pregnant and postnatal women.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

The first six weeks of postpartum is a significant period. This is because it should be the time to start the recovery to resolve abdominal separation. Beginning the appropriate exercise program during this period can drastically improve the chances of recovery from diastasis recti.

Once the body has gained back muscle integrity because of programs that focus on diastasis recti repair, it will now be time for further reinforcement. Maintain a lifestyle that helps in maintaining abdominal and core strength to prevent diastasis recti from happening again.

Having diastasis recti does not mean that it is the end of the world. There are still many things that you can do to repair it, and exercise programs are your best choice. Checkout trusted and reliable exercise regimens today and start your path of recovery.