Growing Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Military

Growing Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Military

We are starting to hеаr a lot more about Artificial Intеllіgеnсе (AI) being used in the military but what does that mean?  It can be confusing when you hear about news reports of robots, and AI and high tech and imagine future wars where machines battle it out on behalf of humanity.  Tо … Read more

Check Out Online Alarm Clocks

Check Out Online Alarm Clocks

Hard to imagine just a century ago knowing the current time wasn’t quite yet available to everyone.  Certainly there were clocks available and many had wrist watches or pocket watches but the current time wasn’t literally everywhere around you like it is today.  Once we started to hit the digital age it … Read more

What is an Expandable Baton?

What is an Expandable Baton?

We all know that our law enforcement officers use firearms as their defense weapon. But there is another instrument they use which is called the Baton. A baton is one of the most widely used less-lethal self-defense equipment. It originated from the wooden truncheon used by police officers in London back in … Read more

The Emerging Industry of Solar Powered Robots

The Emerging Industry of Solar Powered Robots

It seems these days that solar power is becoming more and more an accepted and growing part of our energy infrastructure.  With massive solar installations going up in deserts, Tesla selling solar roof tiles and continued aggressive government rebates and incentives available and the continued lowering cost of solar technology we are … Read more